Yoga is a great way to tone the body since it targets every major muscle group, from the legs to the buttocks, all the way up to the abs and the arms. Power yoga and vinyasa-based sessions are especially effective at doing this. This time of life practise takes care of everything while also relaxing the mind, easing tension, and reducing stress. Yoga is beneficial for your body, mind, and spirit.

Your arms and upper body will remain strong if you continue to practise yoga regularly, but there are specific postures that can help you build a stronger, more stable, and toned upper body. There are feasible yoga poses for everyone that will leave your body feeling strong, powerful, and capable of anything.

These 5 yoga poses can help you tone and strengthen your upper body:


A plank variation known as the side plank can strengthen your upper body and get you ready for arm balances and inversions. In the side plank, you can isolate and strengthen just one arm at a time, preventing muscular imbalances. Move your left hand from Plank Pose to the centre of the yoga mat, keeping your wrist just in front of your shoulder.

Slowly turn to your left foot’s outside edge. To aid in balance, place your right leg on top of your left or position your right foot in front of your left. Make sure your ankles, knees, and hips are in alignment. Lift your hips and raise your right arm toward the sky while keeping your shoulders, core, and legs engaged. Look at your right thumb in the air.


Scale position strengthens the upper body because it requires you to elevate your entire body off the ground using your arms and shoulders. Try putting yoga blocks underneath your palms for additional room to lift yourself if you need to adjust this pose.

  • Start in Lotus Pose or Sukhasana (cross-legged), if Lotus Pose is not a part of your practise.
  • Put your hands on the ground next to your sit bones.
  • Lift your sits bones off the mat while you apply pressure with your hands.
  • Keep your arms and core equally active and involved.
  • Repeat after holding for a few breaths.


Firefly pose can be more difficult because of the unusual leg location, but it will also help you develop balance and arm strength. This pose involves additional arm strength and hip and hamstring flexibility since your legs are extended in front of you rather than bent and resting on your arms as they are in Crow Pose.

  • Beginning in Malasana, place your palms on the mat, lift your hips high, and move your hands back towards your glutes while bringing your shoulders under your knees.
  • Your elbows should be bent 90 degrees, and your stomach should be tucked between your thighs.
  • Allow your inner thighs to rest on your upper arms by lowering your glutes.
  • As you move your weight into your hands, raise your feet off the mat.
  • Straighten your legs till they are parallel to the ground as you start to balance.

Pincha Mayurasana

  • With your weight now primarily on your forearms, ‘The forearm stand pose’ is a more challenging inversion. Your upper body will have to work hard to hold your inverted body without the help of your head, which will strengthen your back, shoulders, and forearms.
  • Continue to move your feet closer to the top of your mat from Dolphin Pose to cross your hips over your shoulders.
  • Lift your right leg, flex your left leg, engage your core, place pressure on your shoulders, and slowly transition into a forearm stand.
  • Set your eyes on your forearms and the middle of your yoga mat.


  • Crow Pose can help you develop self-assurance, balance, and upper-body strength. As you support your weight on your hands in the Crow Pose, it will also help you get ready for inversions. Your shoulders, arms, core, and wrists are strengthened by the Bakasana pose.
  • Place your palms and rise onto your toes while in Malasana.
  • Put your knees on the back of your upper arms as close to your armpits as you can, lift your sit bones, and bend your elbows into Chaturanga poses.
  • Move your upper body forward until your hands are supporting your weight.
  • Lift your toes off the mat while activating your core and squeezing into the midline.
  • Repeat after holding for a few breaths.