About 20% of infertile couples have trouble exclusively with their male partner, making male infertility a big concern in today’s culture. In the most recent investigations, it was shown that 20% of men had low sperm counts and 1% of men have zero sperm count. Reduced physical activity and enormous stress levels are two major reasons for male infertility, both of which can be greatly improved by practicing yoga for male fertility.

The sperm are manufactured, stored, and transported by the male reproductive system. Hormones such as testosterone and androgen govern these processes.

Infertility Problems in Men

Male infertility is often caused by one of three factors:

  • sperm that have not matured, sperm that are abnormal in form, or problems with motility.
  • Low numbers of viable sperm
  • A sperm count of 0

Influencing Factors in Male Infertility

There are a variety of environmental and biological elements that influence a man’s fertility. The most typical examples include:

  • Alternative ways of living
  • Smoking
  • Taking in alcoholic beverages
  • Various pharmaceuticals
  • Persistent Illness (such as kidney failure)
  • Infections in Children (such as mumps)
  • Issues with chromosomes or hormones
  • Azoospermia
  • Varicocele

This leads us to believe that yoga for male fertility can, at least to some extent, aid in the treatment of infertility and the promotion of natural male reproductive health.

A Higher Sperm Count: How Yoga Can Help.

  • Yoga is a discipline that helps you develop a conscious relationship between your mind and your body. When it comes to male infertility, yoga can aid by raising sperm count in the following ways:
  • Asanas, also known as poses, are a great way to get your body in shape and increase your blood flow. For optimal health, sperm requires healthy blood flow.
  • Pranayama, often known as “conscious breathing practices,” aids in relaxation and mental calm. Seventy percent of male infertility cases are brought on by emotional or mental strain.
  • Meditation has positive effects on all levels of well-being, including the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. This has a beneficial effect on sperm motility and output.
  • It has been found that yoga can boost a man’s libido and overall sex drive. Possibilities of becoming pregnant from sexual activity increase dramatically when it occurs frequently.

How To Raise Your Sperm Count With Yoga: The Top 6 Asanas

Bhastrika Pranayama

Sit in a position of ease, with your hands resting on your knees and your eyes closed; do your best to fully expand your lungs with each inhale and exhale. Do 30–40 repetitions in a row, and push yourself to go faster each time.

Sethubandh Asana

Put your hands towards your hips and lie on your back. Slowly bend one knee, bring the feet close to the buttocks, then spread the feet and knee and try to lift the midsection off the ground. Put your chin on your chest and keep your breath flowing. Don’t lift your head off the floor; keep your neck and shoulders pressed firmly against it. Hold the position for as long as you can, and when you release, do it slowly.


To begin, simply get on your belly on the floor. Raise your legs slowly while supporting them on your ankles. The next step is to inhale deeply so that your stomach remains flat on the ground while you lift your legs and torso off the ground simultaneously.

Ashwani mudra

Ashwani Mudra, another well-known yoga mudra for male infertility, has been shown to boost sperm count and quality. In the beginning, close your eyes and sit in the sukhasana position with a straight back. The next step is to gradually tighten the muscle in your lower abdomen. Your anus makes an effort to maintain this posture for a split second before returning to its normal, relaxed state. Repeat this mudra as often as possible every day, paying special attention to the sensations of tension and release in your muscles.

Hal Asana

When it comes to increasing fertility and improving sperm quality, this is one of the most beneficial asanas on our list. To begin, go down on the floor and lay flat on your back. Then, simply extend as far as you can while maintaining your hands at your sides. Take a deep breath in and extend your legs so that they’re perpendicular to your torso. After that, keep your head rooted to the floor while you use your hands to elevate your waist, allowing your legs to extend past your head. Make a point to put the back of your head on the ground.

Nadi shodhan pranayama

Relax your shoulders and sit up straight.

Your left hand should be resting on your left knee. The right hand’s thumb should be placed on the right nostril, the ring finger and little finger on the left nostril, and the index and middle fingers’ tips in between the eyebrows. The left nostril will be opened and closed using the ring and little fingers, while the right nostril will be handled by the thumb.

To do this, place your thumb over your right nostril and exhale slowly and softly through your left nostril. To do this, first, inhale via the left nostril, then gently push the left nostril with the ring and little fingers, and then, with the right thumb still in place, breathe out through the right nostril. Then, you should breathe in through your right nostril and out through your left.

One round has been completed. Make it a goal to get in at least 10 rounds of practice per day.

Are Sperm Counts in Men Affected by How They’re Lived?

It’s concerning that poor sperm counts and sperm motility are so common among young men nowadays. There is strong evidence that prenatal exposures to males have a considerable impact on their ability to generate sperm as adults, as do individual lifestyle or environmental variables.

However, common sense tells us that the dramatic shifts in our dietary habits, levels of physical activity, and other factors over the past few decades have had a detrimental effect on spermatogenesis.

Recent studies have shown that yoga practices can improve a man’s reproductive health and help him avoid infertility by triggering neurohormonal processes that lower stress and anxiety and boost autonomic functioning. Thus, renowned fertility specialists and medical professionals alike advocate for the practice of Fertility Yoga for males experiencing infertility.