Performing yoga asanas help overall mobility, strength, flexibility, and mental health. Yoga keeps you physically and mentally healthy. That’s why yoga is not just a few asanas nowadays has become a part of the lifestyle.

Yoga is what you do the entire day, the way you think, the way you treat others, the way you react, and what you eat. Whatever your physical goals are, you need to know that you are what you eat. The longer you hold each pose, the more those muscles will work and tone up.

6 yoga asanas that can help in toning your hips

Anjaneyasana or crescent moon pose

  • Feel the sweet pain of this asana as it stretches, strengthens, tones, and relieves tension in your quadriceps, hamstrings, hip joints, and glutes.
  • Start by getting into downward-facing-dog.
  • Place your right foot between your hands and lower your left knee to the floor.
  • Place the top of your left foot on the floor and ensure your right knee is at a 90-degree angle.
  • Inhale, lift your spine upwards, stretch your arms up to the ceiling in line with your ears, and join your palms in namaste mudra.
  • Bend your head slightly backward and look upwards.
  • Stay here for 5-9 breaths.
  • Now repeat with the left foot.

Setu bandhasana or bridge pose

  • It is a beautiful asana that opens your hips, creates new awareness in your lower body, and tones and strengthens the back, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings.
  • Start by lying on your back. Bend your legs from the knees and place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Inhale and lift your hips to the ceiling, pushing into the feet. Exhale slowly with control and drop your hips back onto the floor.
  • Repeat this movement ten times and then hold for one minute.

Lizard pose or utthan pristhasana

  • The lizard pose strengthens our shoulders, muscles, arms, and chest and works on our glutes and thighs.
  • Start by getting into the downward-facing dog asana.
  • Inhale, bring your right foot to the front to the outside edge of your right palm, coming into an extended lunge position.
  • Lower your hips, keeping your arms straight and spine flat and lengthened.
  • If you are comfortable here, then only slowly lower your forearms.
  • Press onto the ball of your left foot as you straighten up your left leg.
  • Stay here for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Malasana or Garland pose

  • Malasana helps to increase energy in the body and helps open and activate the sacral and root chakras.
  • Start by standing up tall, keeping your feet wider than hip-width distance.
    Now, join your hands in front of your chest in a namaste and turn your toes slightly outwards.
  • Take a deep inhale while on the exhale, and slowly bend your knees, lowering your hip towards the floor.
  • Once your hips are a few inches above the ground, use your upper arms to press your thighs open. Now, squeeze your thighs inwards so that you feel a lift through the hips.
  • Keep your torso upright and chest lifted.
  • Relax your shoulders by keeping your whole body engaged and holding for 8-10 breaths.

Virabhadrasana or warrior one pose

  • This pose is good for opening up your hips, legs, and chest.
  • Start by placing your feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn your right foot completely to the right (90 degrees) and your left foot 45 degrees inwards.
  • Gradually turn your entire body towards the right, squaring your hips. Your body should face the front of the mat.
  • Coming into a lunge, bend your front knee and thigh, keeping the weight on the front heel and big toe, and the back foot is pressing from the outer heel.
  • Square your hips and ensure that your knee is directly above your ankle.
  • Inhale, lift your arms straight, in line with your ears, and extend your trunk.
  • Stay here for 5-10 breaths.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Goddess pose

  • It strengthens the abs, knees, legs, and calves and stimulates the pelvic floor.
  • Start by placing your feet 3 to 4 feet apart.
  • Now turn your toes outwards, about 45 -90 degrees, according to your flexibility.
  • Inhale and lengthen your spine.
  • Exhale, bend your knees and lower your hip into a wide squat.
  • Bring your palms together in front of your chest in namaskar mudra.
  • Hold here for 9 to 12 breaths and repeat a few rounds.