Health experts have emphasized that Yoga will help strengthen pelvic muscles and lessen the severity of benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms, and can have better bladder control. Here are the top 4 Yoga poses for improving pancreas functioning.

The natural aging process is the cause of prostate enlargement. Many cases are reported globally, particularly in men over 80. Benign prostatic hyperplasia’s precise cause is still a mystery and might arise due to the aging process and the hormonal changes during this stage of life.

Regular Yoga practice might be good for your physical and mental well-being.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashram, and World Yoga Organisation, commented that Yoga can help people to fight prostate growth is not surprising (BPH). Yoga will firstly assist in strengthening the pelvic muscles. We can anticipate better bladder control, which will lessen the severity of your BPH symptoms. Yoga may help relieve enlarged prostate symptoms without surgery or prescription drugs. Daily practice of these activities and a balanced diet might help reduce your symptoms and enhance your general quality of life.

He talked about Yoga therapy for the pancreas and suggested the following 4 Yoga asanas for improving pancreas functioning:

  1. Virasana (Hero Pose)
    Method: Knees should be bent, and your toes should point backward as you sit between your feet. For additional support, you might sit atop a pillow. Keep your spine long and place your hands, palms down, on your thighs. As you hold the stance, you can perform your Kegel exercises. Roll to one side and relax your legs to exit the pose.
  2. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose)
    Method: Your legs should be placed in front of you as you sit down. You can sit on the edge of a cushion. Put the soles of your feet together while bending your knees to the side. To deepen the stretch, pull your heels into your body; to minimize, move them farther away. You can entwine your fingers and tuck them under the sides of your foot at the pinky toe. After some time, drop your chin to form a forward fold, walk your hands forward, and circle your spine. Focus on relaxing and letting go of tension while taking deep breaths. Walk your hands back up and extend your legs at the front to release the stance.
  3. Janu Shirshsana (Head to Foot Pose)
    Method: Stretch your legs in front of you as you sit on the ground. Right foot sole in contact with left inner thigh as you flex the right knee. Put a pillow beneath your right knee or your sit bones. To align your naval with the inner of your left leg, tilt your torso to the left. You can either slowly move your hands out in front of you or place them on the ground next to you. Put your chin on your chest and lower yourself to the floor by hinging at the hips. It’s acceptable to bend the extended leg and round your spine. Lifting your body, slowly exhale while walking your hands back. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
    Method: The palms of your arms should be facing up when you lay on your stomach. Reach back with your hands to grab the outside of your ankles as you slowly bend your knees to raise your feet. If possible, lift your head, chest, and shoulders off the mat. Attempt to prevent your knees from extending to the side. Take long, deep breaths while looking forward or upward. Release after up to 30 seconds of holding. You may perform this position twice.