Even after a good diet we don’t lose weight. Unlike fat around our hips, face, thighs, or arms, the fat around the belly area and on the middle part might cause some serious health issues.
Obesity itself can cause very serious health issue.

The fat of the middle part might be due to hormones imbalance or prolonged sitting or pregnancy or unhealthy lifestyle. So, it is very important to analyze the type of belly fat and personalize your yoga sessions accordingly for fast and better results. No matter what body shape or type you are excessive fat is always risky. The sidebags, bloated belly can result in high chances of serious health issue.
Here is an overview to types of belly fat. Analyze your type of belly fat and practice yog asanas that will be most beneficial.

Different Types of Belly Fat and Yoga Solutions

Stressed belly

Before understanding what stressed belly is let’s find its location. The stressed belly is when most of the fat in abdomen is in the front and naval area and when you touch the stomach is harder. The stress belly as the name says is caused because of excessive stress. Stress increases the cortisol level and when the cortisol level is high for longer period it led to belly fat. To control this type of belly fat you have to limit the consumption of caffeine, avoid unnecessary stress, practice yog asans, and get enough sleep. Here is the list of yog asans that can be included for more faster weight loss:

  • Meditation: A 5 to 10 minutes of deep meditation is very important to reduce the stress. This will help in fast decreasing of your weight.
  • Shashankasan: Shashankasan or rabbit pose helps in improving your digestive system, reducing stress and belly fat.
  • Padhastasan: Padhastasan strengthen your core, relieve stress and calm down your body. This asan also results in losing belly and thighs fat.
  • Anulomvilom: A very common pranayama that involves breathing techniques will help you in reducing the stress.
  • Bharamari: Bharamari pranayama helps in deep meditation and releasing the stress outr from your body. It gives you a feeling of calmness and relief.

Practicing these yog asans will help you in reducing the stress and calming down your body. Thus, helps in balancing the cortisol and losing weight faster.

Hormones belly

when your belly gives you a feeling of cushion on both the side, it indicates that you have a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is very common. There isn’t any serious medical condition because of hormones imbalance but if remained imbalanced for longer period it will cause serious health issues that can risk your life as well. To balance the hormones, you need to focus primary on your diet and regular practice of yoga will help in regulating the hormones. Foods like avocado, nuts, fish, eggs will help in regulating the hormones. Yog asanas that will help in regulating the hormones:

  • Tadasan: practicing tadasan regularly will help in regulating the hormones and reducing the excess fat from your belly.
  • Triyak tadasan: triyak tadasn will help in reducing the excess fat from your sides. It also balances the hormones and help in weight loss.
  • Simhasan: simhasan is very beneficial for balancing your thyroid gland. The problem of thyroid arises because of hormonal imbalance and hence this asan will cure the thyroid imbalance.
  • Matasyasan: matasyasan stretches your neck and belly and balance the hormones and reduces the belly fat.
  • Bhujangasan: bhujangasan will focus on your thyroid gland and stretches your belly. It is one of the most effective asan in balancing your hormones and reducing the excessive fat from your body.

Bloated belly

bloated belly is temporary, but it gives you a feeling of fat belly. Bloating causes because of the unhealthy diet and food. Not having a proper diet and food will result in bloated belly. In most of the cases its not risky but sometime this may cause some serious health issues like upset stomach, constipation, and gastric pain. Exclude soda, fizz drinks from your diet and eat food in small portion. Some of the asan that will help with bloated belly:

  • Child pose: child pose is the only asan that can be practiced after eating. It helps in faster digestion. Thus prevent from belly bloating.
  • Ushtrasan: this asan will really help in getting relief from bloated belly.
  • Mandukasan: mandukasan focuses on the improving the digestion.
  • Pawanmukhtasan: pawanmukhtasan help in releasing the gastritis from your body and help preventing your body from getting bloated.
  • Paschimottasan: It focuses on reducing the belly fat and avoid bloating.

Alcohol belly

Beer belly is developed to people who drinks a lot. To reduce your alcohol belly, you have to control on your drinking habbits. All yoga asans will result in reducing this kind of belly.

Mommy belly

Mommy belly looks like you have just given birth to a child. Mommy belly can result in very serious health issues. It is very important to control this type of belly. This form of belly arises might cause death in some cases. The problems arise from this is stress, depression, urinary and many more. Mommy belly is hard to reduce so it is advised to practice yoga twice a day for visible results. In this case you can practice high intensity yogic exercise that mainly focuses on the belly area.

These were some the types of belly fat that can be seen in most of the people for better results in weight loss you have to identify your kind of belly fat. After that you must personalize your yoga session and diets. Regular practice will change your lifestyle and the process of weight loss will be more effective. It is very necessary to focus on your belly fat type.

This will provide more better, faster, and long-lasting results. Your health and life are valuable. Keep a good track on your health. Live a healthy and long life by practicing some very simple asanas and changing your lifestyle. Your body, soul, and mind will be healed with yoga. Include yoga in your lifestyle and not for temporary.