12 Yoga Exercises for Slimming Your Face

Facial slimming exercises are very effective at removing fatty deposits from the face. After a month of consistent practice, your face should appear slimmer and more toned. If you have a round face and would like to make it more angular, these workouts might help. These facial workouts require no special tools. The only equipment you need is a yoga mat and ten to twenty minutes a day to practise.

Visible benefits can be seen in as little as three days if you sit properly and perform three sets of each exercise. We’ve compiled a list of the top 12 face-slimming exercises for your daily use at home. How to do them for a thinner face is shown below. Read on below!

Face-slimming Yoga Pose

While yoga may not be as fast as some of the other weight loss methods available, it is safe, non-invasive, and effective. You should give any of the below options a try for a minimum of three months to observe any noticeable effects.

  • Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)
  • Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)
  • Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)
  • Fish Face
  • Mouthwash Technique
  • Cheek Uplift
  • Chin Lift
  • Neck Roll
  • Lip Pull
  • Jaw Release
  • Eye Focus
  • Blowing Air

Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)

All of your facial muscles will be stimulated and toned as you practise Simha Mudra. It’s a great asana for stimulating circulation to the face and neck, which includes the thyroid glands. Follow this procedure: Kneel with your hands on your thighs. The best way to practice is to open your mouth wide and let your jaw drop. Put your tongue firmly out and down toward your chin. To imitate a lion’s roar, open your mouth and produce a noise from deep within your throat. Perform the drill a few times.

Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)

The jaw and face may be sculpted with the use of Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose), which has many more health benefits. Also, it helps you maintain a youthful appearance by exercising your facial muscles.
The procedure is to assume the lotus pose. Cross-legged sitting is an acceptable alternative to Lotus if the lotus position causes pain in the hips or knees.

Relax by resting your hands on your lap. The correct way to do this is to press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth as if you were trying to swallow it. Holding your tongue in that position, gently and completely expand your mouth until you feel a stretch in your throat and neck. It should be repeated a few times. Do your regular nasal breathing.
Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)

The chin lock, or Jalandhar Bandha, has been shown to improve facial contouring and muscular tone. The activity is great for those who want to get rid of their double chins.

Method: Take a seat in the Lotus position or a similar one. Take a few deep breaths. Get down on your hands and knees, bring your sternum up to your chin, and then, after it’s locked there, bow your head forward and down. Don’t move from here!

Fish Face

The fish face has the added benefit of stretching and toning your cheek muscles. The result is a slimmer, smoother face with reduced sagginess in the cheeks.

Step one: make a fish face by pulling in your cheeks and lips. Put on a smile while holding that expression. The skin on your face, namely your cheeks and jaw, will feel hot. Unwind and do the routine again.

Mouthwash Technique

The mouthwash procedure helps you tone your cheekbones and avoid that pesky double chin. The procedure entails having one take a deep breath of air. Like using mouthwash, move the air in your mouth from one side to the other. You should keep going for a while, then take a break and do it again.

Cheek Uplift

Sixth, an uplift of the cheeks might help you seem years younger by getting rid of excess fat and tightening the skin.

The procedure requires that you relax in a seat of your choosing and flash your brightest grin. Put the tips of your index and middle fingers on each of your cheeks. Raise your cheeks to your eyes by gently pulling them with your fingertips. Relax and hold it for a few seconds. Perform the drill a few times.

Chin Lift

With a chin lift, you may say goodbye to that pesky double chin while also enjoying the rejuvenating effects of a stretched jaw, throat, and neck.

Steps: Find a place to sit or stand. You should now raise your gaze to the ceiling. Pull your lips together and push them forward as though you’re attempting to kiss the ceiling. Incorporate that for a few seconds, then let go. Keep doing it a few times.

Neck Roll

Gains from a Neck Roll: The best method to get rid of a double chin is to roll your neck. Chin, jaw, and neck muscles are all given a workout. There will be less sagging and fine lines around your neck after using this product.

Start by finding a comfortable seat and keeping your head in a forward position during the whole procedure. Put your chin to one side and swivel your head to the left and right. Hold your head and neck still and your shoulders back. Spend a few minutes doing the circular motions in both a clockwise and anticlockwise direction, taking care to keep the shoulders and scapulars from creeping up into the ears.

Lip Pull

The muscles around your face are toned and your cheekbones and jawline are elevated when you practise lip pulling, which is reason number nine for doing it. A more youthful appearance is the result.
Take a seat or stand tall with your back straight and your head up. Your bottom lip should be raised as high as possible by protruding your lower jaw. Chin muscles and the jawline should feel a stretch. Hold for a few seconds, then release and resume.

Jaw Release

Your double chin will shrink, your jawline will stand out, and your cheekbones will be crisp and appealing after jaw release. Tense muscles in your mouth and face get a good workout with this exercise.
The procedure entails taking a seat and making jaw movements as if you were eating with your mouth closed. Take deep breaths as you go. Finally, rest your tongue on your bottom teeth and expand your mouth as wide as possible. Keep it up for a couple of minutes at a time and hold each repetition for a few seconds.

Eye Focus

The results: silkier brows.

It’s time to start the procedure, so please open your eyes wide. Prevent wrinkles in your eyebrows at all costs. Please maintain this position and stare into the distance. Ten seconds should be enough time to hold the position before you may let go and relax. It’s recommended that you do this four times.

Blowing Air

Tones the muscles of the face and neck. Assist in getting rid of that double chin while also giving your face a natural lift and making you look slimmer.

Method: Maintain a straight back and a rearward inclination of the head. Make sure you can see the ceiling and that your gaze is focused there. Taking your lips apart, you should blow air. If you want to relax, you can stop after 10 seconds. You’ll be doing this again and over again ten times.
Facial yoga can be useful for those who wish to eliminate stubborn fat around the face and neck while also toning the muscles that support the face.

You can tone your facial muscles with yoga, just like you can strengthen your abs, obliques, and legs. You may perform these asanas anywhere and at any time without any extra tools. The jaw can be relaxed, the cheeks and chin lifted, the neck rolled, the lips pulled, and the eyes focused to thin and tone the face naturally. Investing just 20-30 minutes a day will yield noticeable results in just a few days.