This yoga essential sequence will strengthen your lower body by working your legs, hips, thighs, and glutes. Follow along with this gentle yoga practise to strengthen your muscles, increase your range of motion, and centre your mind on your breathing.

Lower body strength yoga essential flow

To strengthen your lower body, begin with a warm-up flow, and then repeat this pattern four times, twice on each side.

Mountain pose. Put your feet together, stand up straight, and put your palms together in front of your chest. Hold it for 30 seconds

Standing forward bend. As you exhale, drop your body, press your hands into your shins, straighten your spine, and look forward. Hold it for 30 seconds

Chair Pose. Exhale as you sit back, bend your knees, and raise your arms. Hold it for 30 seconds

Warrior II Pose. In a standing position, move your left foot to the side and out at a 90 degree angle. Keep your left knee bent and in line with your ankle as you turn your head and raise your arms above your head. Hold it for 30 seconds

Warrior I Pose. Lift your arms over your head as you rotate your body to the left and take a deep breath. Hold it for 30 seconds

Lord of the Dance Pose. Shift your body’s centre of gravity to your left foot, while bringing your right knee in toward your right buttock. Raise your left hand to the ceiling while reaching back with the right to grab your foot. Hold it for 30 seconds.

Bound angle Pose. Place your buttocks on the floor, bring your knees to your chest, and squeeze the soles of your feet together while you let your knees drop to the sides.

Head to knee forward bend pose. Place the sole of your right foot next to your left thigh as you extend your left leg. Hold your breath and exhale as you squat down to grip your left foot. After 30 seconds, turn sides and resume the posture. Hold it for 30 seconds.

Wide-angle seated forward bend Pose. Open your legs as wide as you can. Get down on your hands and knees, then walk your hands as far forward as you can while keeping your body as long as possible. Hold it for 30 seconds

10 Garland Pose. In a squatting position, your feet should be somewhat broader than hip-distance apart. Press your elbows into your knees while opening your thighs and leaning forward.

Frog Pose. First, assume a child’s position by lying on your back with your arms outstretched in front of you. Kneel with your legs as far apart as you feel comfortable, and rest your forearms on the mat. To do this, flex your feet and place the inside edges on the mat.

Locust Pose. Place your chin on the floor while lying on your stomach with your knees together and your arms stretched behind you. Exhale and push off the ground to raise your chest, head, arms, and legs.

Camel Pose. Get down on your knees with your legs spread hip-width apart, lean back, and touch your heels.

Bridge Pose. It’s best to do this by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Grab your lower belly button with your hands and exhale as you elevate your hips and chest.

Happy Baby Pose. While lying on your back, bring your knees into your chest as you exhale. As you inhale, grab the outside edges of your feet, open your knees, and draw your upper thighs into your armpits.

This yoga sequence focuses on strengthening your legs, hips, thighs, and glutes.