If you’ve ever rolled your eyes at your dull, dry skin in the mirror, you’re not alone. Here’s an activity you might try: Get out your yoga mat. A yoga mats? Asanas, commonly known as yoga poses, can provide a variety of health advantages. From improving strength and flexibility to soothing the mind and lowering stress, Trusted Source has you covered.

Yoga may also improve the health and vitality of your skin. Some poses can give momentary advantages, and a regular yoga practise may, over time, address some of the causes that contribute to dull skin.
Learn how yoga may enhance your skin and which positions are ideal by reading on.

What yoga can do for your skin

Yoga cannot alter your skin magically. It will not make pimples or dark circles go away quickly. And yoga cannot cure the effects of ageing. But practising yoga can not only enhance your mood but also your physical attractiveness.

Reduces your stress levels and enhances your sleep.

Yoga practise has been shown to reduce tension and anxiety while also improving sleep quality. In addition, when you are well rested, your skin may seem more radiant. While you sleep, your body’s skin cells repair and heal from external stimuli.

It may also reduce inflammation.

Yoga may help reduce inflammation, especially stress-induced inflammation, according to other research from reliable sources. Inflammation can result in a variety of skin complaints, including weariness and depression.

Therefore, practising yoga may have beneficial impacts on your skin since it reduces your stress levels and improves your sleep, with all the associated health advantages.

Increases blood flow to the head and face

By boosting blood flow to the head and face, some postures can induce a rapid, short-term glow. Other positions may not have the same particular impact, but they may help you slow your breathing, relax, and feel your stress levels diminish, which can still have a great influence on your look.

Yoga postures for glowing skin

  • Let’s examine a couple yoga positions that will help you get that glow:
  • Forward Fold
  • Forward Fold, also known by its Sanskrit name, Uttanasana, increases blood flow to the face and head for a very simple reason: you will be bending forward.
  • This is a nice posture for beginners to begin with, as it is simple to do.
  • How to perform the forward fold
  • Start by standing with your feet parallel and approximately hip-width apart.
  • Exhale as you slowly bend forward from the hips and bring your face near your knees.
  • You may experience a constriction at the back of your legs. If it feels supportive, soften your knees.
  • Maintain this pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • You can either let your arms dangle or grasp your elbows. Do not lock your knees; maintain a gentle, relaxed position.

Downward-Facing Dog

Whether you refer to it as Downward-Facing Dog, Downward Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, this inverted position will also increase blood flow to the head and face.

How to perform a Downward Dog

  • As though you were ready to crawl, get down on your hands and knees.
  • Then, slowly elevate your knees and softly straighten them as you lift your bottom toward the sky. Maintain your hands and feet on the ground (note that you may not be able to keep your feet completely flat on the floor). Your body will assume an inverted V configuration.
  • Maintain this pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Avoid locking your knees and remember to breathe.

Dolphin Pose

Dolphin Pose, also known as Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, resembles Downward-Facing Dog. Your legs and lower body are in the same posture, but your arms are bent and your hands are off the floor. You bend forward and balance on your forearms, with your head or forehead resting on the floor. Again, this stance promotes circulation, which may make your face appear rosy and, yes, even a touch luminous.

Instructions for performing the Dolphin Pose.

To begin this pose, assume the forearm plank position. Spread your forearms and palms shoulder-width apart on the mat and press them down.

Gradually extend both legs until your body is horizontal. Unwind your neck and direct your attention toward the mat.

To assume Dolphin Pose, move your feet toward your hands while simultaneously elevating your hips. Allow your head and attention to naturally drift toward your feet as your hips rise.

Maintain this pose for 20 to 30 seconds.

Pro tip: Depending on your flexibility, you may keep your legs straight or bent. Remember to breathe and maintain a relaxed neck throughout this pose.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose, also known by its Sanskrit name of Bhujangasana, may also improve the look of your skin. The intention is that the posture will help you expand your chest, breathe more deeply, and take in more oxygen.

How to Execute a Cobra Pose

  • Begin in the plank posture.
  • Exhaling, carefully drop your hands to the floor, keeping them on each side of your chest.
  • Roll your shoulders back and squeeze your elbows into your torso with little pressure.
  • Reach back through your knees, press down with your hands, and gently expand your chest outward.
  • Maintain a long neck and active legs as you roll your shoulders back, raise your chest off the mat, and straighten your arms.
  • Exhaling, let your torso descend.
  • Pro tip: Do not lock your elbows; keep them slightly bent. You may also begin with a half-cobra and only come halfway up.

Shoulder Stand

  • This posture is also known as supported shoulderstand, sarvangasana, and salamba sarvangasana. Since it is an inverted stance, more blood will flow to the head.
  • If you are a novice, this position may be more difficult for you. It may also cause neck strain, so if you have neck or back difficulties, you may want to avoid this posture.
  • How to perform the shoulder stand
  • Assume a flat-back position with your arms at your sides.
  • Slowly bend your knees and draw them in toward the centre of your body, while simultaneously elevating your feet off the ground.
  • Then, raise your hips off the ground so that your knees point toward your forehead. Take both hands and hold your hips while maintaining your upper arms and elbows on the ground.
  • Then, raise your hips while bringing your hands higher up your back. Then, slowly extend your legs upward. After a few seconds of holding the stance, slowly drop your legs and return to your previous position.

Pro tip: Use a flat cushion or folded blanket to cushion your shoulders. Allow your head to rest on the floor as you rest your shoulders on the edge of the cushion. Don’t move your neck, and keep your chin tucked into your chest. Before attempting this position, novices should speak with a teacher.
Additional skin care suggestions

Obviously, there are more techniques to improve the quality of your skin and make it look its best:
Apply sunscreen. Daily use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is still necessary to protect your skin from the sun’s ageing effects.

Embrace moisturiser. Moisturizer works as a protective barrier for the skin and helps it feel (and seem) smooth and supple. Obviously, you should choose a moisturiser tailored to your skin’s individual demands. Choose an oil-based moisturiser for dry skin and a water-based formulation for oily or mixed skin.

Stay hydrated. Consume copious amounts of water daily to keep your skin moisturized. It is also beneficial for the rest of your body.

Rest. On a regular basis, do you obtain sufficient quality sleep? A lack of sleep can accentuate fine wrinkles, cause eyes to seem puffy, and accentuate dark circles. In fact, a 2015 study by a credible source found that insufficient sleep was associated with increased signs of aging, while a 2017 study found that people thought those who did not get enough sleep were less attractive.

Attempt a new sleeping position. At night, elevate the head of your bed or place a few cushions beneath your head. This can reduce the risk of waking up with dark circles and bags under the eyes.


If you want to give your skin a rapid boost, you may attempt a few yoga positions.
Consider yoga as one of numerous tools you may use to preserve the health of your skin, body, and mind over the long term.

Eight Advantages of Sweating It Out in Hot Yoga

In recent years, hot yoga has become a popular kind of exercise. It provides many of the same advantages as traditional yoga, including stress reduction, enhanced strength, and increased flexibility. When the temperature rises, hot yoga can provide an even more strenuous workout for your heart, lungs, and muscles.

Are you interested in discovering more about the benefits of hot yoga? This article examines the benefits of this sweat-inducing activity and how to begin.

What is hot yoga?

Even though “hot yoga” and “Bikram yoga” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing.
Bikram Choudhury created Bikram yoga, which is practised in a room heated to 105°F (41°C) with 40 percent humidity. In every session, 26 postures and two breathing exercises are performed in the same order. Sessions of Bikram yoga generally last 90 minutes.

Hot yoga, on the other hand, is simply yoga practised in a space that has been heated above normal room temperature.The temperature can be adjusted by the yoga instructor, but is normally between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (27 and 38 degrees Celsius).

The duration of each class varies from studio to studio. Hot yoga sessions can incorporate any number of positions. And unlike Bikram yoga, which is a quieter, more serious practise, hot yoga classes sometimes feature music and greater interaction amongst participants.

In recent years, Bikram yoga has lost adherents owing to claims of violence against its creator. Some establishments may refer to their heated courses as “hot yoga” rather than “Bikram yoga.” Before enrolling, it is advisable to read class descriptions carefully.

What benefits can hot yoga offer?

Both hot yoga and Bikram yoga strive to calm the mind and increase physical fitness, regardless of the temperature of the room.

A hot setting can make the practise of yoga more difficult, but some of the benefits may be worthwhile, particularly if you’re seeking to improve in one of the areas listed below.

When performed appropriately and safely, hot yoga offers the following advantages:

Increases adaptability

You may already be aware that stretching muscles that have been warmed up is safer than extending cold muscles.
Consequently, a heated yoga studio setting can make yoga postures simpler and more effective. You are able to stretch further and accomplish a larger range of motion because of the heat. After eight weeks of Bikram yoga, participants showed higher flexibility in their low back, shoulders, and hamstrings than the control group, according to 2013 research. Traditional yoga may burn around 183 calories per hour for a 160-pound individual.

Increasing the temperature might help you burn more calories.

According to experts at Colorado State University, a 90-minute Bikram yoga practise may burn up to 460 calories for men and 330 calories for women. Even if it’s not as severe as Bikram, hot yoga will burn more calories than a typical yoga session.

Increases bone density

Supporting your weight in a yoga posture can aid in the development of bone density. This is particularly significant for senior citizens and premenopausal women, as bone density decreases with age. A 2014 study indicated that premenopausal women who practised Bikram yoga for five years had improved bone density in their neck, hips, and lower back.

This led the study’s authors to conclude that Bikram yoga may be a viable method for lowering the risk of osteoporosis in women.

Reduces anxiety

Numerous individuals utilise yoga as a natural method of stress relief. A 16-week hot yoga practise dramatically lowered the participants’ stress levels, according to a study of physically inactive people who were stressed.

Simultaneously, it enhanced their health-related quality of life and self-efficacy—the notion that one has control over one’s conduct and social surroundings.

It alleviates depression.

Yoga is well-known as a practise for relaxation and mood enhancement. According to the American Psychological Association, it may also be an effective therapy for lowering depressive symptoms. In addition, a 2017 review of 23 studies focusing on yoga as a therapy for depression indicated that yoga is an effective method for alleviating depressive symptoms.

Improves cardiovascular health

Striking different yoga positions in high heat can be more strenuous on the heart, lungs, and muscles than performing the same poses in low heat. A 2014 study found that a single session of hot yoga is equivalent to a brisk walk in terms of heart rate (3.5 miles per hour). Additionally, hot yoga increases your respiration and metabolism.

It lowers blood glucose levels.

While all forms of exercise can help burn calories and lower glucose (sugar) levels in the blood, hot yoga may be particularly beneficial for those at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.
According to Reliable Source, a brief Bikram yoga programme enhanced glucose tolerance in obese older individuals, but had less of an effect on young, slim ones.

It nourishes the skin.

Sweating profusely is one of the primary goals of hot yoga. Sweating in a warm atmosphere helps enhance circulation, providing oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the skin’s cells. This may then nourish your skin from the inside out.

Safety advice

If you’re in excellent health, it’s typically safe to practise hot yoga. However, as with most forms of exercise, some safety considerations must be observed.

In hot yoga, dehydration is a serious problem. It is crucial to consume water before, during, and after a hot yoga class. A low-calorie sports drink may also assist in replenishing electrolytes lost during hot yoga.

Some pre-existing medical disorders may increase your risk of fainting in a hot room. This includes a history of fainting, heart disease, diabetes, arterial abnormalities, anorexia nervosa, and arterial abnormalities.

If you have low blood sugar or low blood pressure, you may be susceptible to dizziness or light-headedness during hot yoga. Consult your physician to ensure that hot yoga is safe for you.
Before doing hot yoga, pregnant women should visit a physician.

If you have had difficulties with heat sensitivity in the past, you may wish to stick to normal-temperature yoga. Stop immediately if you experience dizziness, light-headedness, or nausea. Leave the room and find a cooler place to relax.

How to get going

  • If you have never done yoga before, you may want to take a regular session to determine whether the instructor and facility are a good match. While there, inquire about hot yoga lessons and whether beginner-friendly classes are available.
  • You may also choose to visit many yoga studios before committing to one. Inquire whether the yoga studio offers free or reduced trial lessons so you can determine if it’s a good match.
  • If you’re ready to attempt hot yoga, consider the following guidelines:
  • Wear lightweight, breathable textiles capable of wicking sweat away from your body.
  • Bring a towel to drape over your yoga mat, as it may become slick as you begin to sweat. Additionally, you may bring an additional towel for your face and hands.
  • Consider wearing gloves and socks with enhanced gripping capabilities for a hot yoga class.
  • Bring a big, insulated bottle of cool water to sip during your hot yoga practise.


Not everyone is suited for hot yoga. But if you appreciate traditional yoga and want to take it to the next level, this may be just what you’re looking for.

Hot yoga has several advantages for both the mind and body. It can help you burn calories, increase bone density, enhance cardiovascular fitness, and enhance flexibility. Additionally, it may help relieve sadness and stress. Consult your doctor before participating in a hot yoga session if you have heart or artery problems, diabetes, anorexia nervosa, a history of fainting, or heat sensitivity.