Yoga and High Blood Pressure

According to research, yoga can lessen inflammation, ease certain symptoms, and enhance one’s quality of life. India gave birth to the physical, spiritual, and mental discipline of yoga. It incorporates meditation, controlled, concentrated breathing, and gentle movements. The practise has gained popularity in the US in recent decades. Researchers have been trying to figure out how yoga is good for human health in the meantime

In this article, we discuss studies that looked into how yoga affected people with high blood pressure.
Iyengar yoga’s effects on high blood pressure were the subject of research published in 2011 in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Participants in the study were untreated and had somewhat or mildly raised blood pressure.
They were split into two groups by the researchers.

Over a 12-week period, one person engaged in Iyengar exercises. These individuals had little to no prior yoga practise. The other group modified their diets specifically.

The authors came to the conclusion that “twelve weeks of Iyengar yoga generates clinically relevant changes in 24-hour systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure” after comparing the outcomes of the two groups.

In 102 people with slightly elevated or high blood pressure, a 2009 study investigated the benefits of yoga, exercise, and dietary salt reduction.

For eight weeks, each of the following activities was practised by the participants:

  • 4 days a week, brisk walking for 50–60 minutes
  • lowering salt consumption by at least 50%
  • 30-45 minutes of yoga at least five days a week
  • The control group, the fourth group, did nothing different. Compared to the control group, all of the participants who adopted new lifestyle habits had a drop in blood pressure.
  • The findings imply that persons with high blood pressure may benefit from brisk walking, salt restriction, and yoga practise.