Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, also known as the ‘Muladhara’, sits at the base of the spine and serves as the foundation of your energy system. It serves as the basis for your existence and physical wellbeing and gives you a sense of security, belonging, and care. It also controls your impulses for hunger, sex, and sleep in addition to your drive for survival.

In addition, it is linked to the colour red and the element of earth, reinforcing its grounding properties.
When the Root Chakra is out of balance, it manifests as physical body imbalances, anxiety, and a reduction in your sense of security and belonging. Physical ailments like arthritis, constipation, bladder or bowel difficulties can all be symptoms of a blocked root chakra. On the other side, when you’re in balance, you feel certain, secure, and anchored.

Sacral Chakra

Svadhishthana, the second chakra, is situated in the pelvic region. It serves as your primary creative outlet for feelings, desire and sexuality. It controls your impulses and pleasures, has an impact on reproduction, and makes life more enjoyable.

The water element is connected to the pelvic chakra, therefore both have fluid and flowing qualities. It is associated with orange colour which is an important hue in the rainbow.

You may suffer attachment, many types of desires, and even addictions if this is blocked. As a result, you could experience sexual and emotional frustration and lack the will to pursue your passions in life. Urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and impotence are just a few of the linked organ issues that can indicate a problem with this. We may easily connect with others and have joy in life if the second Chakra is in balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura, the third chakra, is located in the navel and is a bright yellow colour. It serves as the foundation of your identity, ego, and personality and aids in developing your sense of resolve and willpower. The Solar Plexus controls your digestion, vision, and movement on a physical basis.
It is also regarded as the pranic centre of the body and, as such, is connected to the fire element and possesses similar heat-generating and transformational properties.

Low self-esteem and excessive stress might be the results of an imbalanced Manipura Constipation, heartburn, eating disorders, ulcers, and other digestive problems are frequently brought on by blockages in the third chakra. You feel more self-assured and capable when the Solar Plexus Chakra is in equilibrium.

Heart Chakra

The fourth energy centre, known as the Anahata, is situated in the thoracic spine close to the heart and lungs. It is the seat of the self and is symbolised by the colour green. It controls your sense of touch and gives you the ability to interact with people and experience emotions like empathy, kindness, and respect. It is connected to the air element.

It is possible to offer and receive love and advance your spirituality when your heart chakra is in equilibrium. It makes it possible for you to have close connections and to feel love for both yourself and others. Anger and emotional numbness can be brought on by an imbalance in this, which may also lead you to lose your sense of connection with others. Our physical health, including heart troubles, asthma, and weight problems, can be affected by blocks in the heart chakra.

Throat Chakra

The fifth, also known as Vishuddhi , is located in the throat, is in charge of speaking, hearing, and voice. This is thought to control your endocrine glands, which in turn controls your metabolism. It is connected to the element of space and is coloured blue.

Your creative expression comes from your throat chakra, which also supports open communication with both yourself and other people. 

Energy blockages in this can make it difficult to express oneself honestly and interfere with conversation.

This is related to our capacity for verbal communication, as would be expected. Problems with the voice and throat, as well as any issues with the mouth, teeth, or gums can all be signs of a blockage.

When in alignment, you will communicate and listen compassionately and speak with assurance since you are speaking truthfully to yourself. This can be strengthened through breathing, mantra chanting, and singing.

Third-Eye Chakra

Ajna, the sixth chakra, is located in the third eye, or point of intuition, which is the area in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. It gives you access to clear thinking and introspection and gives you inner guidance regarding your course in life. Indigo is the specific hue of the rainbow that corresponds to the Third-Eye Chakra.

It serves as the brain’s command centre, its seat, and the interface between the body and the mind. Given that it is considered to combine the two main pranic powers in the body and facilitate inner calm, divine sight, and intuition, it has a significant spiritual importance. Blockages may appear as headaches, migraine, dizziness difficulty with vision or focus, or trouble hearing because this is physically positioned on the head. People who seem to “know it all,” have a hard time listening to reality, or lack intuition may also have blocks.

Crown Chakra

The Crown, also known as Sahasrara, is the last chakra. It is located at the top of the scalp. It is regarded as the entrance to pristine consciousness and the origin of all. As the highest energy centre, it is represented by the colour violet and it differs from the other Chakras as it is an opening rather than an intersection of forces.

The Sahasrara, which connects you to the infinite and unlimited and is the seat of faith, devotion, and inspiration.

You could feel rather pessimistic about life in general and cut off from spiritual trust as well as from your body, the outside world, and your Higher Self when this is out of balance. It is regarded as the chakra of enlightenment and stands for our connection to spirituality and our life’s purpose. Those who have a blocked head chakra may come across as conservative, doubtful, or adamant.