Weight loss should be a long-term commitment. We often focus on a fast way-out to lose weight. But is that worth it? All your diets, waking early, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and losing those few kilos. After starving and doing high intensity workouts all this will stay just for few weeks or sometimes days and we are again back from where all these started. So, to maintain a healthy lifestyle you must be very patience, and constant with diet and workouts. Understand your body, personalized your weight loss plans.

Weight Loss Process

Pupil thinks that yoga is a slow process. But research shows that with yoga you lose more weight without feeling any weakness. But to achieve this you must be more consistent. The best and safest way to lose weight is to limit high calorie food, choosing lowest calories and cutting down food portion and practicing yoga.

It’s always better to make some plans before starting our journey for a better execution:

1) Include yoga in lifestyle: yoga will help in the journey of weight loss. Yoga is an art. Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice that works on our body, mind, and soul all together. Every yoga posture works on all three aspects of a human body. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that brings harmony to our mind body and soul. Including yoga will help you in the process of self-realization.

2)Balancing diet: A balanced diet is one of the important parts in balancing your weight. Research says that diet do the 80% of the work and rest 20% is done by exercises.

3)Consistency: Consistency is the key to weight loss. To achieve good results, you must be very consistent with your diets and yoga.

4)Self-realization: self-realization is the key for weight loss. When you know yourself better you will lose more efficiently. Self-realization plays an important role in your life. When you are connected with your body, you can easily analyse the changes and personalized your program accordingly.

Some important points that you must include in your weight loss journey:

Every small thing matters a lot in your weight loss journey. Including small things will make big changes in your life. There are few basic things that are must to include for better results.

1) Hydrating yourself is essential: keep yourself hydrated while losing the weight. Water intake is the game changer. When you increase the intake of water your 2-3 kgs of weight will decrease in few days. Sometimes our body stores unnecessary food or liquid that will results in sudden increase of your weight. To deal with that you must increase the intake of water so that it can easily be flushed out of your body. It is suggested to drink warm water for better results.

2) Including detox drinks: detox drinks are the new trend of this generation, but these drinks are not something new to us. these are the cultural things that were already there but was unknown. Detox drinks are easy to make and are very beneficial in the weight loss journey. It will detoxify all the toxins from your body and helps in further weight loss.

3) Change eating habbits: changing your eating habbit is a must. It is very important to have a good eating habbits. Never skip the breakfast. Skipping meals of the day is one of the reason for weight gain. Though you must cut down the excess amount of food but that doesnot mean that you have to stop eating food or skipping meals of the day.

4) Create a calorie deficit plan: a calorie deficit plan is very important. Calculate the daily intake of the calories per day and deficiate the calories according to your requirements. Also don’t shift to the minimum calories in one day rather make a proper plan of and start calorie deficit with time.

5) Include more protein: including protein to your diet helps you to avoid hunger. It keep your stomach full for a longer period and you will be able to balance the food intake.

6) Practice yoga often: it is suggested to practice yoga atleast 4 days a week and if you want to see more better results than you can practice 6 days a week and 2 times a day.

7) Physical active: be physically active. Never sit for a longer period always stand and walk few steps in between the prolonged sitting.

8) Daily disciplines in diet: following a disciplined diet is very crucial. Daily sequence of diet is very important and sticking to the healthy food will help in weight loss.

9) Allow cheat days: cheat days are also as important as eating healthy. Your body will adopt to the healthy lifestyle and after few days you wont see any progress inspite of regular workouts and diet. So here cheat days play an important role. But that doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you can. It should be very balanced and minimum quantity.

10) Sleep: sleeping pattern is as important as any other aspect of losing weight. A good 6-8 hours of sleep will change your body faster and you will see results very fast. The timings and adequate amount of sleep matters a lot in losing the weight.

Always set day wise plans and there must be something different every day to get stick to the plan and avoid getting adopted same plans by your body. There are many yoga postures that can results in fast weight loss. Simple postures like cobra pose, balasan(child pose), tadasan, parvat asan, tree pose, or even stretching can do justice to your body. Your body is a temple and you must pray it. Starting from simple stretching yoga techniques to complex form of asans will gives you results.

Yoga is not just about losing weight, it connects your soul, body and mind and helps you in living a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is an art. Yoga treats your body in the best way possible and it not only focus on a particular part rather it improves the overall health of an individual.