After trying those diet plan, practicing enough exercise you still feel you can’t do this. You still feel demotivated by seeing no change in your body. Hundreds of fad diet, quick weight loss programs, starving yourself, calorie deficit but still of no use.

Why is it so? Why can’t we still lose weight?

The answer to such question is very difficult. Looking to an overview of this situation we feel that everything is going great and still nothing is working for me. We might feel depressed and demotivated.

Now let’s talk about the solution. First thing you must do is practice yoga. Practicing yoga will help you in self-realization and you can easily find out the problem. Yoga connects your heart, body, soul, and mind.

Analyzing yourself is very important in achieving your goals. It is very important to know what the reason behind the failure is. Learning from the failed plans will lead to the stairs of success. Consider the following strategies for weight loss:

Make sure you are ready:

To achieve your weight loss goals it is very important for you to be ready. Sit down for a while and ask yourself are you ready to start the goal. This will keep you motivated for a longer period. Ask yourself some questions like are you motivated enough for your journey? Do you need excessive food to tackle your stress? Are you willing to change your eating habbits? Asking yourself such questions and doing a self-realization class will help to achieve your goal.

Inner motivation

Find your inner motivation. Talking about the forms of motivation, you will find two kinds of motivation: inner motivation and outer motivation. Inner motivation is when you get your motivation from yourself. When you are ready to do your work from within. Outer motivation exists when your source of motivation is the outer world. Outer motivation is temporary, and it became very difficult to achieve your goals. So, you must have an inner motivation for your weight loss. You must analyse why you want to lose weight and how it will affect your lifestyle.

Set realistic goals

Setting some realistic goals is very important. if you are setting up your goals like you will lose 5 kgs in 1 week and if couldn’t achieve it, you will end up getting demotivated and stressed. So, set some realistic and longer period goals like losing 5 kgs in a month. This will keep you motivated.

Enjoy healthier food

Enjoying the food you are eating must be real. Dieting doesn’t mean you have to eat boring food. You just must cut down the calories and focus on eating healthier thing. Add colourfull food to your plans. Make dishes that are healthy and tasty as well.

Stay active: stay more and more active. Never allow yourself for prolonged sitting. Move in between the sitting. Stretch your neck, back, and full body.

Change your perspective

Change your perspective of weight loss. Weight loss is not about just losing the weight and look slimmer rather you should have a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.

Weight loss is not just about getting slimmer. You must focus on getting a healthier body. Yoga poses that will help in losing weight faster:

Trikonasan: Trikonasana is also called the triangle pose. The name Trikonasana is derived from Sanskrit. Here, Trikon means triangle, Asana means pose.

So, Trikonasana means triangle pose. while practicing this pose, we pose like a triangle. Trikonasana is a foundational pose that strengthens and lengthens the Armstrong. This pose will increase your flexibility. It is a standing pose. this pose will give you deep stretching. The focus of stretching in this pose is thighs, neck, arms, and side waist. This pose will enhance flexibility. It will enhance balance in your body. This pose is great to enhance strength in you. This Asan helps you to stretch muscles in your chest and arms.

Trikonasana is generally a warm-up exercise. Practicing this pose will reduce stress. It opens up your chest and hips. This is a great pose to practice to improve mobility in your body. this pose will enhance your metabolism. Practicing this pose before an exercise will reduce the risk of any kind of physical injury. It will prevent you from any further injury in your ankle, neck, knee, arms, and shoulder. This pose is the most important component of will help us to practice other yoga with great ease.

This pose will teach us how to extend legs which will later help us in many other poses. This pose will help you to reduce your love handles. It will eliminate the extra fat from your side waist. You can also practice some of the preparatory poses like Dwikonasana and Adho Mukha savasana. This pose is a sideways bending pose hence; one should avoid bending their back.

Ek pada sarvangasan: Eka pada Sarvangasana is also known as a one-legged shoulder stand pose. Its name was derived from the Sanskrit language and every word has its meaning. Here, Eka means one or single

Pada is leg Sarva means all ,Anga means limb, Asana means posture or pose. So, Eka pada Sarvangasana is the posture of one leg. This posture adds a stretch to your glutes and hamstrings.

Sarvangasana is known as the queen pose of yoga. It has various benefits of its own. Though in your initial stages you might feel it more difficult but the more you practice the easier it becomes. It focuses on opening up your hips and cultivating strength and flexibility in your hamstrings. This pose. You should do pre-preparatory poses like hero pose to avoid any kind of injury. This can be combined with various other poses for transitions. After completion of this pose, you can wrap it up with some calm postures such as a supported forward bend.

Sarvangasana is the “Mother of Asanas” quoted by guruji BKS Iyenger. He, in his book, said that the Sarvangasana should be mastered first before headstand. This is the beginning class before we move further to the higher class. This pose was also mentioned in the 15th_century text hatha yoga pradipika as Viparita Karani. Sarvangasana is also documented in the 14th-century Shiv Samhita and 17th-century Gheranda Samhita.