Shoulder Stand is a position where the shoulders support the weight of the entire body. ‘Sarv’ symbolizes everything, ‘anga’ means a physical component, and ‘asana’ indicates position. Sarvangasana is a full-body exercise that targets a number of muscle groups and benefits your balance, posture, and induces a sense of calm in different ways. The ‘Queen of Asanas’, Sarvangasana, is very beneficial for both physical and emotional health.

It is highly advised to start training Sarvangasana yoga in sections and to complete the position after a few weeks of fundamental instruction.

Steps for Sarvangasana Yoga (Shoulder Stand)

Begin with Ardha-Sarvangasana

Place your hands next to your torso while lying supine on the mat. Keep your mind at ease, relax your body, and take a deep breath in and out. As you exhale, bring your feet up to your hips and curl your legs up towards your thighs. Elevate the lower body vertically by gently pulling in the abdominal muscles and using the hands as support.

The entire weight of the body should be supported by the palms, elbows, neck, and back of the head. As you finish the aforementioned tasks in 4 seconds, breathe out. Hold this position for as long as possible but not more than two minutes while breathing slowly, softly, and continuously.

Inhale and, with the help of your hands, gently descend your hips to the mat to return to the initial posture. Release the hands behind you to go back to the beginning position. Take a few deep breaths, then relax for a while before starting to breathe normally.

Follow these steps to transition to Sarvangasana once you have mastered Ardha-Sarvangasana:

  • When you exhale, lift your legs so they make a right angle with your body. Keep your legs straight and your body firm on the ground above the hip joint.
  • As you continue to exhale, raise the arms, hold the waist, and push the body as high as you can. Your legs should be elevated as you lay your entire weight on your arms and elbows.
  • Once this position is steady, make an effort to slowly move the hands towards the waist, with the fingers extending to the back of the hip bones and the thumbs gently pressed on both sides of the navel.
  • The entire weight of the head should be supported by the shoulders, neck, and back with the chin in the jugular notch. As you finish in 4 seconds, breathe out.
  • Hold this position for as long as possible but not more than two minutes while breathing slowly, softly, and continuously.
  • Return to the initial position by bending the knees gradually and lowering the hips to the mat while supporting them with the hands.
  • Release the hands behind you to go back to the beginning position.
  • Take a few deep breaths, then relax for a while before starting to breathe normally.

Health Benefits of Sarvangasana

Controls Hypertension

Recent studies have demonstrated that it lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Overall cardiac health consequently becomes better. This position can therefore be used as an adjunct therapy for excessive blood pressure.

Benefits Thyroid Health

Thyroid conditions including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are brought on by hormonal imbalances. The shoulder stand improves thyroid function by increasing local blood flow. As a result, thyroid health is improved. The growth and cognitive development of young children depend on the thyroid hormone. It has a greater impact on metabolism. The condition of the thyroid, therefore, determines the overall health of the body. Daily practise of this position enhances general health. Goitre, thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, thyroid nodules, thyroid storms, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and even thyroid cancer can be prevented with regular practise.

Boosts Parathyroid health

The parathyroid glands control the amount of calcium in the blood and bones. As a result, the strength of the bone is determined by the condition of the parathyroid glands. This position enhances the strength of the bones in the body by stimulating the parathyroid glands. Calcium levels are also more important for optimum brain functions. The Shoulder Stand thereby assists in enhancing cognitive functions. Depression is thereby reduced, and memory is improved.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swellings, distortions, and enlargements of the veins that typically affect the legs. In this medical disease, there is a reflex flow of blood through the veins of the legs, causing blood circulation to be erratic. Adults who are overweight and pregnant women are particularly susceptible to this illness. Blue or dark purple twisted or spider veins, as well as skin bulging, are symptoms. Unless it has advanced to the point of vein rupture, it normally does not require treatment. Yoga postures that are inverted, like the shoulder stand, aid in removing stagnant blood from the veins. Additionally, fresh blood is pumped into the veins. Therefore, regular Shoulder Stand exercise helps with varicose vein treatment.

Improves Brain Functions

It enhances blood flow to the brain. As a result, it aids in easing anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems. Increased blood flow to the head revitalises the ears and eyes. This lessens the frequency of minor headaches.