The food we eat as children is often the healthiest meal we can eat. Similarly, the southern states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar to the north, and Maharashtra to the west have been growing ragi, also known as finger millet, for over 4,000 years. It’s a hardy crop that doesn’t need any pesticides after harvest. So, it’s a healthy option since it doesn’t need any artificial inputs.

Protein, iron, calcium, and fiber are all present in ragi roti, and it’s a plentiful, inexpensive supply of somewhat uncommon amino acids. Nachni (ragi) rotis, also known as Nachni rotis, has recently gained popularity thanks to Bollywood starlet Kiara Advani, who has been quoted as claiming that she eats them for lunch. However, ragi are the most beneficial food for the human body.

Nachni (ragi) rotis rich in protein and other nutrients Finger millet is more generally known as ragi. Both calcium (350 mg%) and potassium (410 mg%) are present in very high concentrations. Its polyphenol content is thought to be responsible for several of its purported health advantages.

Nachni (ragi) roti comparison

In comparison to other cereals and millets, its carbohydrate, protein, crude fibre, and mineral content are all average at 70%, 8%, 3.4%, and 2.7%, respectively. Its protein is substantially more well-balanced; it includes more lysine, threonine, and valine than other millets, and its crude fibre and mineral levels are much greater than those of wheat (1.2% fibre, 1.5% minerals) and rice (0.2% fibre, 0.6% minerals). When compared to other millets like jowar and pearl millet, finger millet has a higher chemical score (the proportion of the most limiting amino acid relative to a standard protein like egg protein).

High in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), yet low in fat (1.3%). (polyunsaturated fatty acids). One reason finger millet keeps so well is because it has so little fat.

Helpful for diabetics

Due to its increased content of fibre, minerals, and amino acids compared to white rice, ragi is an excellent option for persons with diabetes. New evidence also suggests it could be good for the body’s sugar and cholesterol levels. Finger millet that has been processed, however, should be avoided. And here’s why: Decorticated or processed finger millet (husk is removed from the grain) upma has a high Glycemic Index (GI) of 87, which is comparable to that of white polished rice.

Superb for minimising fat gain

As a gluten-free grain, ragi has a much lower sugar content. Since its high fibre content means it’ll be a while before your stomach starts processing it. This means you won’t feel hungry again for a time. As a result, you won’t be tempted to go for another helping, which will cut down on your calorie intake.

Best for your heart’s health

Studies have linked eating whole grains like finger millet to a reduced chance of developing cardiovascular disease. The high fibre content of finger millet aids in the reduction of “bad” cholesterol, which is linked to the acceleration of plaque buildup and atherosclerosis.

Boosts digestive health

Ragi’s high fibre content might also aid digestion. “Prebiotic” refers to the fact that insoluble fibre actually promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. The fibre in millet is prebiotic, meaning it helps maintain a balanced microbiome in the digestive tract. That also helps with weight control.

Different meals available for selection

Ragi is a versatile food that may be included in a variety of dishes.

a) Nutritious Laddus: These are a wholesome alternative to regular laddus since they are packed with beneficial nutrients including protein, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They taste great and last a long time in the pantry.

b) Multigrain flour: Multigrain flour is one of the basic, semi-finished goods appropriate for producing chapati. It is created by blending wheat and finger millet in a ratio of 7:3 (wheat: finger millet). The chapati, however, develops a darker shade. Chapatis made with fortified finger millet not only taste better but also assist diabetics to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Fibres’ bulk and a slower digestion rate help us feel full on fewer calories, which may help us control our food intake. Constipation is relieved because of the high fibre content.

Mixing equal parts of ragi with other grains and dal allows you to make fermented meals like idli and dosa. Idli and dosa, two kinds of fermented rice cakes, are staples in many Indian households, both at breakfast and as the primary restaurant staple. In southern India, finger millet is already a common component in these kinds of dishes. It not only enhances the food’s flavour but also adds protein, calcium, and fibre.

Yogpath online yoga program

The Yogpath Weight-Loss Program is founded on scientific research and uses Yogic practises, Food Behaviours, everyday activities, and breathing techniques to help people lose weight in an all-encompassing, sustainable, and healthy way. There are no heaps, drugs, or other chemicals utilised. The Yogpath’s weight reduction practises result in an improved immune system, enhanced stamina, and increased strength. They also lengthen a person’s longevity.

The programme is meant to be safe for all participants, including working, student, and stay-at-home women. According to a survey of over 1,000 people, over sixty percent sleep better, thirty percent have more energy for work and family, and forty percent feel more motivated. The Yogpath weight loss programme is available in several forms, including online live streaming, one-on-one sessions, and interactive group activities.

To buy online yoga program click on the link given below.

The weekly programme was devised by yoga professionals to promote and aid weight reduction. The purpose of this course is to educate attendees on how to reduce weight without home exercise. The website has further details on the programme.