Padmasana Yoga: The lotus posture, or padmasana, is a calming and revitalizing pose with considerable symbolism. The term Padmasana comes from the fact that frequent practise of this posture encourages the practitioner’s overall unfolding, much like a lotus flower.

It is a cross-legged yoga position that facilitates deeper meditation by reducing various physical discomforts and pains and calming the mind. The Lotus pose is often referred to as the Vajra position in Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism.

Padmasana Yoga Benefits

The lotus pose lays the groundwork for meditation techniques. It assists in managing stress by activating the relaxation response and shutting down the stress response.

Here are a few major benefits of padmasana:

Reduces Menstrual Cramps

Padmasana strengthens our pelvic region by stretching our muscles and relieves muscle cramps.

Helps During Childbirth

The lotus pose is undoubtedly one of the best yoga poses for strengthening the pelvic area. It enhances pelvic flexibility and strength and regular practise of this yoga pose stretches our hip region. As a result, it lowers labour pain when giving birth.

Improves Concentration and Relieves Stress

In padmasana, we close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing. It improves our ability to focus. This specific stance releases tension and helps to clear our thoughts of negative thoughts through controlled breathing. Regularly practising padmasana or lotus position can also help to reduce the production of stress chemicals.

Strengthens Knee and Ankle Joint

When performing the lotus stance, the legs are crossed over one another while being stretched and extended. The knee and ankle joints get strength and endurance from regular stretching. As a result, it is also an effective sciatica treatment. By making it a regular practise, you can get rid of lots of bone and joint-related health problems. Additionally, it makes bones and joints more flexible, making daily activities easier.

Improves Digestion

The padmasana yoga position gently massages your abdomen, which helps to improve digestion. Digestion can be improved by increasing blood flow to the abdominal area. Additionally, the lotus stance cures typical digestive issues including diarrhoea and constipation. Enhancing metabolic function involves cleansing the digestive system.

Fights Insomnia

The lotus pose helps to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety of all types. The feeling of mental and emotional wellness is further enhanced by the deep breathing that goes along with the lotus stance. People may then find it easier to sleep peacefully at night.

Improves Posture

One of the first and most noticeable advantages of Padmasana is better posture. This pose is executed with a straight, erect spine. Long-term straight posture enhances flexibility and maintains curves, which enhances posture. If done regularly, this lowers the chance of developing back pain.

Creates mind, body and spirit balance

One of the best poses for soothing our body and mind is padmasana. While in the position, deep breathing helps to relax the body and awaken various energy centres. It gradually improves our ability to focus. If practised consistently, you learn to notice and be attentive to tiny things.

Increases breathing and Circulation

Padmasana yoga expands the lungs, increases lung capacity to support breathing, and permits a significant increase in oxygen intake. This is achieved with a regular breathing pattern of inhaling and exhaling. The blood flows quickly through the oxygen-carrying arteries due to the high oxygen intake, which improves circulation. This substantially lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes as well.

Replenishes energy

The fact that Padmasana aids in increasing metabolic rate are one of its key advantages. Along with increasing blood flow, padmasana clears the mind and body to make room for positive thoughts and energy, which increases both internal and exterior energy levels.


  • Start the pose by sitting on the floor with your legs straight and extended in front of you.
  • Next, slowly flex the knees and cradle the lower leg. As you cradle your right knee and foot in your hands, extend your right knee to the side. Place your foot into the crease of your left hip by rotating your leg from the hip.
  • Similar to how you bend your right knee, bend your left knee while turning your left thigh outward from the hip. Guide the left foot over the right, bringing it to tuck into the right hip crease, while lifting your right shin just a little.
  • Check that the soles of the feet are facing upward and that the heels are near the abdomen.
  • Now that both of your legs are comfortably positioned over one another in the same position, choose a mudra for your hands. You can either place it on your knees accordingly or clasp your hands together like in the namaskara mudra.
  • Throughout the stance, keep your spine upright and your head straight.
  • Exhale after taking a deep breath and holding the position for a few minutes. Pay attention to your internal circulation as well as your breathing rhythm. Repeat the position by doing the same things with the other leg.


Mudras, when performed in concert with Padmasana, can significantly improve the body’s energy flow. Each mudra has different benefits from the others. Using the Chin mudra, Chinmayi mudra, Adi mudra, or Bhrama mudra while in Padmasana can improve your meditation. Take a few deep breaths and pay attention to the body’s energy flow while holding the mudra.

Chin Mudra: The Chin Mudra aids in combating insomnia and increasing attention and concentration.
Chinmayi Mudra: The Chinmayi mudra has the benefit of attracting vital force to the torso of your body.

Adi Mudra: The Adi mudra is most famous for boosting oxygen flow to the lungs, improving vitality, relaxing the nervous system, and promoting healthy organ function.

Brahma Mudra: This mudra aids in boosting oxygenation of the lungs.


  • The workout is categorically not advised for those who have knee or ankle discomfort or injuries because it severely stretches and twists your knees and ankles.
  • It is an advanced pose that demands absolute precision and accuracy. Therefore, practising yoga under the supervision of a yoga trainer is always recommended, especially for beginners.
  • Yoga may help you manage your pain and other health problems, but it is never a substitute for good medical care. Therefore, it is advised to perform the position with your doctor’s counsel and consultation if you have any serious illnesses or allergies, or are undergoing treatment.
  • Abide by these warnings and advice before beginning your workout programme.