Muladhara or root chakra

All of the major chakras serve as energetic intersections. Imagine a pole entering your head, passing through your entire body, and emerging from your legs. This pole is home to the seven primary chakras, which are: 

1. Muladhara (the spinal column’s bottom): the root 

2. Svadhisthana, or the sacrum, is the area of the lower abdomen

3. Manipura, or solar plexus, in the upper abdomen 

4. Center of the chest, or heart (Anahata) 

5. Throat (Vishuddha) or the neck and throat 

6. Ajna Chakra – in the middle of the forehead, between the eyes 

7. The top of one’s head, or crown (Sahasrara)

This article focuses on the Muladhara chakra ( in Sanskrit), also known as the base chakra or the chakra at the physical base of the spine. The Sanskrit words “mula” and “adhar” both mean “root” and “support” respectively. The root chakra is located in the central region of the body, at the base of the spine, between the pelvic floor and the perineum. 

Impact of the Muladhara Center 


The earth element, which includes everything solid, is under the purview of the root chakra. It has to do with your family tree, your mom and dad, your upbringing, and your history. Muladhara chakra also controls your interactions with the material world. 

Formal definition of the physical: 

A person’s elimination system, lower back, legs, and feet are all connected to the Muladhara chakra. 

The Physicality of Emotions 

The Mulhadara chakra determines whether you feel safe and confident in yourself, the world, and your own skin. 

Physical Mind: 

The degree to which one is secure in their sense of identity, their ability to take care of themselves, their sense of belonging in the world, their recognition that they are not lesser than other people, and their comfortable in their own skin are all tied to the health of their root chakra. The ability to be grounded and in the here and now is a sign of a healthy root chakra. 


Any layer of the body is vulnerable to stress, which can cause a corresponding shift in energy flow: from stagnation to overload. Let’s say you were very young when your parents got a divorce. This can lead to mental and emotional distress, including uncertainty about future plans, fear for one’s physical safety, and even a sense of rejection. There has been a disruption in your previously held reality. For a young child, this could feel like an absolute catastrophe and a threat to its very existence. 

Perhaps you’ll gain some perspective as you get older and form your own relationships. However, the root chakra can become stuck due to the intensity of your emotions, and this can have long-lasting consequences. 

Learning about the chakras and the different layers of your body can shed light on the areas of your being where you may be experiencing stagnation or imbalance. 

Requirements for the Muladhara Chakra 

Just check in with yourself and see if you feel secure. If so, then why not? 

Can you feel the four corners of your feet when you stand, and does it feel easy to move your feet and legs? 

In what ways are you able to be realistic? 

Have you been able to regularly and easily use the restroom? 

In what ways have you gotten to know and appreciate yourself? 

Depending on the severity of the symptom, you may be experiencing imbalance if you answered “no” to any of these questions.

Restoration of equilibrium 

In order to keep this energy centre in check off the mat, try the following: 

Out of the ring 

The colour red is associated with the base chakra, so wearing red clothing (especially red shoes or socks) or visualising the colour red in your meditations can be very beneficial. 

creating sound vibrations through singing mantras. Mantra for the base chakra, or vedic bija (bija means “seed”). This method also utilises the same vibrational frequency as OM chanting, and it is practised by repeating the letters LAM in a rhythmic fashion. Similarly, the Kundalini tradition’s MUL MANTRA (root mantra) is similar. Recite, chant, or merely listen to this mantra. 

Get your feet dirty and your mind clear by walking barefoot outside. The use of grounding devices is worth considering; I even use an earthing mat in bed. Shoes that help you maintain your grounding potential are also available. 

Try to imagine your legs and feet as roots that are growing into the ground. 

Connect to your perineum as often as possible during the day, even if it’s just while you’re at the office or out doing errands. Take in the ambience of the space, relax into the now, and tell yourself softly, “I AM SAFE” (or something that reflects the concept that you feel comfortable with).

Within the confines of a mat 

We’ve found that specific yoga poses, such as Malasana (yogic squat), and dynamic or static spinal flexion (as in the Cat/Cow Pose), are effective at reestablishing balance in this energy centre. 

Pavanamuktasana (knees to chest pose, with or without pranayama) (knees to chest pose, with or without pranayama) (bow pose, with or without breathwork) 

Janu Sirsansana is a yoga position (head to knee half forward bend) 

A Mula Bhanda (root lock) also works well for this