Transcendental meditation is a type of meditation to repeat a mantra in your mind. It keeps your mind calm and increases alertness to perform a desired task. It relaxes your body and calms your mind.
An Indian guru named Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, TM developed this mindful meditation in the 1950s. He created transcendental meditation on ancient meditative yoga practices.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi endless mantras

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has stated that there are endless mantras, and each individual should enchant a particular mantra. This enchanting helps him to bring his consciousness into stability to give the right path to his thoughts and feelings. They do not include any religion, philosophy, or lifestyle.
What does transcendental meditation refer to?

Transcendental meditation is an easygoing and effortless technique. You sit comfortably on the floor with your eyes closed and practice twice for 20 minutes.

You don’t need an app to guide your meditation. You can silently repeat a mantra in your head.
A mantra is a word or phrase that becomes the object of your attention. You drive your consciousness toward that mantra giving you silent vibrations. The mantra does not use English words to represent objects, feelings, or experiences. They are sounds that draw your attention with active thinking to spread self-awareness.

How can you learn transcendental meditation?

To learn transcendental meditation, a certified teacher at the Maharishi Foundation must teach you the technique. It includes a one-hour lecture and formal one-on-one training with your teacher. The course can be customized especially for you by your teacher.

The use of mantras in meditation is an ancient practice that originated thousands of years ago. The word mantra” comes from the Sanskrit root man, which means “to think,” and tra, which means “tool.” The mantra refers to a tool to relax the mind. Put some focus on it and use it to quiet your thoughts.
Your transcendental meditation teacher selects your mantra for you. You’ll have three follow-up sessions. At these sessions, you’ll meditate under your teacher’s observation. You can practice transcendental meditation on your own every day, twice a day.

Transcendental meditation cost ranges from $540 to $980, depending on household income. Grants are available for low-income households receiving federal assistance.

What are the sources of Transcendental Meditation, TM?

Transcendental meditation is available in books, videos, YouTube, Reddit, or various apps. If you learn this technique properly, you must learn from a certified transcendental meditation teacher. Certified teachers have five months of in-residence training. Then they must maintain their certification through continuing education. Also, they give you personalized one-on-one attention to train you on the technique.

Transcendental Meditation works on the concentrative technique that emphasizes controlling your emotions and feelings, which will improve your thought processes, you feel good and improve your performance and become more productive for your activities performed in your life.

Physical benefits

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improves sleeping pattern
  • Manages pain and avoids distraction from pain.

Mental health benefits

  • Reduce stress and depression.
  • Treat Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Develop self-respect.

Cognitive benefits

  • Boosts productivity and performance,
  • Develop problem-solving skills.
  • Enhance creativity and intelligence.
  • Spread awareness.
  • Maintain your energy levels.
  • Increases focus and memory.

Emotional benefits

  • Clarity of thoughts and feelings.
  • Develop compassion and gratitude.
  • Boost inner peace.

List of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

There are approximately 75 Transcendental Mantras to have a specific spiritual importance. Each mantra has a detailed description and its original meaning. Reciting mantras can increase your concentration levels and boost your memory. It calms your mind, builds a bridge to reach divine love, and attains a higher inner self.

1. Om – It is the most popular and well-known mantra. It relaxes your mind.
2. Ham-Sah – This mantra is believed to be the sound of creation and is used to connect with the creative energy of space.
3. So Hum – This mantra is used as a tool for self-awareness and is said to mean “I am that.”
4. Om Namah Shivaya – This mantra connects with the energy of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction.
5. Om Mani Padme Hum – This mantra is used to connect with the energy of the Buddha and is said to mean the jewel in the lotus.
6. Om Tat Sat – This mantra connects with the energy of truth.
7. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti – This mantra represents peace, which means peace, peace, peace.
8. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – This mantra serves the purpose of global healing with “may all beings be happy and free.
9. Om Gam Ganapataye Namah – This mantra connects with the energy of Ganesha, the Hindu god of beginnings.
10. Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih – This mantra connects with the sun’s energy and means “I am the light.”
11. I am the source of light – This mantra connects with your inner light and wisdom.
12. I am love – This mantra connects with your heart and the love that resides there.
13. I am safe – This mantra creates a feeling of safety and security within yourself.
14. I am healthy – This mantra creates a feeling of good health and better well-being within yourself.
15. I am happy – This mantra creates a feeling of happiness and joy within yourself.
16. I am grateful – This mantra inculcates to bless with whatever you have in your life.
17. I am abundant – This mantra opens you up to receiving prosperity in all areas of your life.
18. I am worthy – This mantra reminds you that you deserve love, success, and prosperity.
19. I am enough – This mantra reminds you that you are sufficient to be you.
20. I am strong – This mantra develops strength and courage within yourself.
21. I am wise – This mantra helps to connect with your inner wisdom and guidance.
22. I am fearless – This mantra releases fear from your life and replaces it with courage.
23. I am connected – You will feel a sense of belonging.
24. All is well – It reduces worry and stresses to build trust in the whole world.
25. I am Love -This mantra helps to show love and affection to yourself.
26. I am one with God/The Universe/All That Is – This mantra makes you feel a sense of oneness with all the creations.
27. I choose love – This mantra makes you choose to love every time.
28. I am thankful – You should be grateful for whatever you have.
29. I forgive myself – This mantra helps you to forget your mistakes and accept yourself the way you are.
30. I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You – This mantra helps to forgive yourself and others.
31. I am blessed – This mantra helps to open yourself up to receive blessings in your life.
32. I am happy and free – This mantra creates a feeling of happiness and freedom within yourself.
33. I am at peace – This mantra helps you to stay calm and contented in every situation.
34. Every day, in every manner, I’m getting better and better – This mantra helps for self-improvement and personal growth.
35. I release _____, I am free – This mantra sets you free.
36. All my needs are met – It allows you to open yourself to receive what you deserve in all areas of your life.
37. I attract only good into my life – This mantra creates a positive surrounding around yourself to extract only good things in your life.
38. I am surrounded by love – Enchanting this mantra, you will feel a sense of love and support from space.
39. I am grateful for _____ – This mantra cultivates gratitude in your life.
40. I am open to receiving _____ – This mantra opens you up to receiving abundance in all areas of your life.
41. I am willing to let go of _____ – This mantra releases something that is no longer serving you.
42. I love and approve of myself – This mantra teaches you self-love and self-acceptance.
43. I am free to be me – This mantra gives you the freedom to be yourself.
44. I create my reality – This mantra makes you remember that you are the creator of your own life experiences.
45. I deserve _____ – This mantra reminds you that you deserve love, success, and abundance.
46. I am safe – This mantra cultivates a feeling of safety and security within yourself.
47. I am healthy – This mantra boosts your overall health and well-being.
48. I am whole and complete – This mantra reminds you that you are perfect just the way you are.
49. I love myself unconditionally – This mantra reminds you to love yourself for the way you are and accept yourself wholeheartedly.
50. I live in the present moment – This mantra brings your focus and attention to the present moment.
51. My past does not define me – This mantra teaches you to live in the present.
52. I am worthy of love and respect – This mantra reminds you that you deserve love, success, and prosperity.
53. I am limitless – This mantra tells you that there is nothing that you have lots of potential for and should keep trying and should not ever give up.
54. I am powerful – While enchanting the mantra, you will feel that you have the power to create your own identity.
55. I am responsible for my happiness – Remember that your happiness is not dependent on anyone or anything else. Happiness comes from within you.
56. I am beautiful – You are pretty from the inside and outside.
57. I am enough – You are enough just as you are.
58. I am loved – Feeling a sense of love and support from the Universe.
59. I belong – You are a part of this world and connected to all.
60. I am inter-connected with all of life – We share a common bond with what we do to others and what we do to ourselves.
61. I am one with the Universe – This mantra tells you that we are all made of the same energy and connected.
62. Peace – This mantra develops harmony within yourself and the world.
63. Love – This mantra cultivates a feeling of love within yourself and the world.
64. Joy – This mantra develops a feeling of joy within yourself and the world.
65. Harmony – This mantra cultivates a feeling of harmony within yourself and the world.
66. Balance – This mantra cultivates a balance within yourself and the world.
67. Abundance – This mantra opens you up to receiving abundance in all areas of your life.
68. Prosperity – This mantra opens you up to receiving prosperity in all areas of your life.
69. Success – This mantra is used to open yourself up to receiving success in all areas of your life.
70. Love and Light – This mantra sends love and light to yourself and the world.
71. I am grateful for _____ – This mantra develops a feeling of thanking within yourself.
72. I am at peace – This mantra cultivates a feeling of peace within yourself.
73. I am joyful – This mantra cultivates a feeling of joy within yourself.
74. I am loving – This mantra cultivates a feeling of love within yourself.
75. Namaste – This mantra expresses respect and acknowledgment of the divine in all beings.

How To Practice Transcendental Meditation Along with Your Mantra?

Transcendental meditation gives you some of the most popular and effective transcendental meditation mantras. In your meditation session, use your unique mantra and start reciting a simple mental repetition of the mantra. Allow yourself to become comfortable with the selection of words, sounds, and rhythm of the mantra before progressing to the deeper levels of transcendental meditation. Take some deep breaths and relax your body to repeat the mantra mentally.
The first step is to focus on the breath and count each inhales and exhale to clear your mind and focus on the mantra.

  • Inhale for a count of four.
  • Exhale for a count of eight.
  • Start to repeat your mantra internally at a comfortable pace.

As your mantra becomes known, you will begin to increase your meditation. The process is the self-discovery technique, so there is no need to strive for any particular goal or state of mind. Just allow the mantra to take you on a journey of inner peace and calmness.