Can Women Lose Weight by Lifting?

If you’re at a healthy but want to get in shape, you might have considered lifting for women. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not lifting is beneficial for weight loss for women, and we’ll also provide some other useful pointers. At one time, only bodybuilders were allowed to engage in weightlifting (also called resistance training) due to the misconception that doing so automatically results in a hulking appearance.

While training can help you get stronger, it won’t make you look massive. It takes a lot of hard work in the gym and a lot more food consumed than is burned before you can see any noticeable gains in muscle mass, and even then it could be months or even years. Also, unlike men, women typically have lower levels of anabolic (muscle-building) hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, making it more difficult for them to gain muscle mass.

Muscle growth rate and muscle size are affected by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, and body type; exercise load, volume, and intensity; and recovery between sets. You won’t get huge and muscular overnight if you start lifting, so put your fears to rest.

It’s true that weight training can help you lose weight, but it’s not the most effective method. Cardio, or cardiorespiratory training, burns more calories than resistance training does during the same amount of time.

Muscle mass gained through weightlifting, however, can aid in the process of shedding pounds. Having more muscle aids in weight loss because it increases resting metabolic rate. Therefore, it is recommended that you incorporate both weight training and cardiovascular exercise into your routine.

Weight training, according to the research, not only increases your metabolism but also keeps it elevated for hours after you’ve stopped working out. Specifically, research shows that exercise can keep your metabolic rate elevated for up to 72 hours.

It’s important to remember that weight loss involves the loss of more than just fat; it also involves the loss of glycogen stores and muscle. Lifting weights can help you lose more fat and keep your metabolism from fluctuating too much during your weight loss journey by preserving your muscle mass.

Depending on your starting weight and ultimate goal, weight training may or may not result in a significant shift in the number you see on the scale. Muscle is more space-efficient than fat because of its higher density.

This is why it is possible to see a reduction in your waist circumference without noticing a change in your weight as you progress through the fat loss and muscle gain phases of weight loss.

Overall, weight training, when combined with cardio exercise and a healthy diet, is an excellent way to aid in weight loss. Advantages Apart from That In addition to helping you lose weight, weight training has many other advantages. It will make you look slimmer. Compared to fat, muscle takes up less room in the body because of its higher density. As a result, your appearance will change for the better as you gain muscle and lose fat.

Additionally, if your muscles are stronger and larger, your body will appear more chiselled and toned. Contrary to popular belief, you can highlight muscle definition and create a stronger, leaner look by building muscles and losing fat. Eventually, your strength will increase.

You’ll gain strength, which is a great advantage of lifting weights. Developing muscle makes it less of a strain to do things like lugging around the groceries and playing with the kids. As an added bonus, having a stronger core makes you less likely to sustain injuries from falls. For the same reason, weight training is essential for bone growth: by temporarily stressing your bones, you send the message to your body to rebuild them stronger. Especially as you get older, this can help you avoid osteoporosis and broken bones.

Reduced probability of developing a chronic illness

The gradual loss of muscle mass and strength that comes with ageing is called sarcopenia, and it can be prevented through weight training, which also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Your health benefits from exercise may increase if you combine cardio with resistance training. Cardiovascular health, lung function, metabolic rate, blood flow, and muscle mass are just some of the areas that can all benefit from both forms of exercise.

Where to Begin

Consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise programme to ensure it is appropriate for your health needs. There are lots of simple ways to work exercise into your daily routine once you’ve gotten the all-clear.

In addition to cardio and rest days, most experts advise engaging in three to five weight training sessions per week. Considerations like training volume, intensity, recovery days required, and your schedule will determine the optimal number of sessions. In theory, you can lift weights every day, but you should rest each muscle group for at least 48 hours afterward. If you work out your back and shoulders on Monday, you shouldn’t work them out again until Wednesday or Thursday.

Not all cases call for more physical activity. Rather than focusing on how often you exercise, prioritise the quality of your workouts. You can still get results with only two or three training sessions per week if you pay attention to your form and give yourself a good challenge. If you can’t exercise that frequently, you can combine exercises instead. Combine exercises, such as HIIT for the upper body with a core workout for the lower body, and vice versa.

The number of days you need to recover from your workouts will vary. A light stretching or yoga routine may help alleviate muscle soreness experienced in the days following weight training. No matter how tempting it is to rest on the couch when you’re feeling sore, you should force yourself to get up and move around. In addition to letting your muscles relax and recover, this will also boost blood flow and get your body moving.

The best way to protect yourself from harm and stay out of the hospital is to pay attention to your physical limitations and treat your body with respect at all times. Keep in mind that the most effective form of physical activity is the one that you will actually stick with over time. It’s much more likely that you’ll stick with an exercise programme if it’s convenient for your schedule and daily activities. Working with a physical trainer can be beneficial because they can tailor their advice to each client and help them achieve their individual fitness objectives.

Women of any age can benefit from weightlifting, and doing so will not cause them to gain muscle mass. To the contrary, it can assist in the development of a trimmer and more robust physique. Strength training helps you gain muscle, lowers your risk of developing chronic illness, and can even help you shed pounds. Weight loss can be aided by doing cardio and eating a healthy, protein-rich diet on days when you focus on strengthening specific muscle groups with weights. Incorporating some weight training into your exercise routine is beneficial, even if it’s less than the recommended three to five sessions per week.