Khushbu Sundar weight loss journey: Weight loss is not simple. Weight reduction is a process that involves significant effort and commitment. Numerous celebrities have embarked on this path in the past and shed significant amounts of weight. Recently, an Indian politician and actress stunned us with her remarkable weight reduction. By reducing almost 20 kg, the politician-actor has inspired people with her path.

Khushbu Sundar weight loss journey

Earlier in the 2021 shutdown, politician-actor Khushbu Sundar began her effort to lose weight. If you follow her on social media, you are aware that she is highly busy and often shares pieces of her daily life.

When Khushbu sundar originally posted her after-weight-loss photo, everyone was curious about the cause of her change. The politician not only encouraged us to lose weight, but also taught us how smiling through life’s ups and downs can help us maintain a healthy body and mind. She posted on her Twitter account and stated, “Learn to smile despite suffering. A grin will assist you in navigating every up and down, high and low, good and terrible. And nothing is more essential than you..your health, your happiness. A healthy heart and mind equal a healthy you..remain healthy and happy. Keep smiling.”

Previously, Khusbhu Sundar had described how she shed weight by doing all of the home tasks on her own and working out with yoga and planks. This time, when a Twitter fan asked her what her weight reduction secret was, she said, “Diet and exercise are a burdensome combination. You must sacrifice what you like.”

Yoga for weight loss

Yoga, an ancient discipline, may improve a person’s mental and physical health. It may assist in achieving a healthy weight. There are several yoga positions that aid in weight loss.

Asanas of yoga for weight loss

  • Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
  • Angle Pose Or Konasana
  • Bow Pose Or Dhanurasana
  • Chair Pose Or Utkatasana
  • Bridge Pose Or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Cobra Pose Or Bhujangasana

Planks For Weight Loss

Planks are a simple technique to burn fat rapidly and efficiently. This is because while doing a plank, many muscles of the body are engaged simultaneously. Regular planks are one of the most effective techniques to reduce weight.

If you prefer to do advanced planks for weight reduction, there are other types that may aid in weight loss, such as the forearm plank, walking plank, reverse plank, and side plank.

Khushbu Sundar started her career in the entertainment industry with the movie The Burning Train. She has appeared in films like Deewana Mujh sa Nahin, Kaliyuga, Pandavuu. She joined the Bhartiya Janata Party in 2020.

Yogpath online yoga program

The Yogpath Weight-Loss Program is based on scientific research, and it uses Yogic practise, Food Behaviours, daily activities, and breathing techniques to help people lose weight in a way that is complete, long-lasting, and healthy. There are no piles, other drugs, or other chemicals used. The Yogpath’s practises for losing weight give him or her a stronger immune system, more stamina, and more strength. They also make him or her live longer.

The programme is meant to be safe for everyone, including women who work, stay at home, and go to school. Our survey of more than 1,000 people showed that more than 60% sleep better, 30% have more energy for work and family, and 40% feel more motivated. The Yogpath weight loss programme is available in a number of ways, such as online live streaming, one-on-one classes, and group activities where people can interact with each other.

To buy Yogpath’s online yoga program click on the link below:

Yoga experts set up the weekly class to encourage and help people lose weight. The goal of this course is to teach people how to lose weight without doing exercise at home. At, you can find out more about the programme.