Megha Soni was always on the plump side, but when her son began to make fun of her appearance, she felt terrible and resolved to lose weight for him. She gave up all junk food and started doing power yoga. Now, she has also motivated her spouse to reduce weight (Weight Loss) as well!

Introduce yourself:

  • I’m Megha Soni.
  • Profession: Anchor and Yoga Instructor
  • Age: 32
  • Stature: 1.63 m (5 ft 3 in)
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan
  • The heaviest ever was 85 kg.
  • Weight lost: 27 kilograms.

It took me 18 months to get into shape.

Role of Yoga in Weight loss

Moment of truth

My weight was always a source of self-consciousness for me. The day my older kid glanced at the TV and asked me why I wasn’t as thin and fit as the models in the advertising and films was the lowest point of my life. That was the true pivotal moment in my life.


  • Dry fruits with muesli or oats are my go-to morning meal.
  • One chapati and some subji and curd for lunch
  • I had a salad and a protein smoothie for supper.
  • Meal before a workout: Coffee brewed without milk
  • Refueling after a workout: fruits

I prefer to treat myself to a sweet treat on the day I am permitted to deviate from my diet, whether it be cake or ice cream.

Low-calorie dishes Dosas and sambhar cooked at home, which are staples in South Indian cuisine, are delicious and nutritious, as I can attest.

Workout Routine

After 30 minutes of Power Yoga, the workout continued with effective bodyweight strength exercises. I’ve been losing weight by sticking to this plan.

Learn the deep secrets of fitness.

It is helpful to keep track of both the calories you consume and the calories you burn. Inch loss, rather than weight loss, should be used as a metric. Muscle, water, and bone mass are all factors in your total body mass index. Furthermore, fat is somewhat meaningless on its own. Thus, instead of focusing just on the number of kilograms, you have shed, measure your progress in terms of inches lost.

What keeps you motivated?

Here are the three things that kept me motivated to keep losing weight:

  • Planning for the future
  • Splurging on some cute workout clothes
  • Recording one’s progress toward an inch loss.

How can you keep from being sidetracked?

Determine a time frame for change, and motivate yourself by setting a rewarding objective, such as wearing that clothing, visiting that beach, or eating that meal. Once you commit to such a goal, you’ll work tirelessly toward it.

For those who are overweight, what aspect do you find most challenging?

Many things contribute to your growing disgust with weight. Mood and energy fluctuations, lack of self-assurance, irritability, and other negative emotions. Chronic obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing a variety of lifestyle-related disorders, including thyroid issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pain, and more.

When you think ahead ten years, where do you picture yourself?

In the future, I hope to have a body like Kim Kardashian’s.

Can you describe the adjustments you’ve made to your way of life?

I cut out fast food, started eating at regular intervals, reduced my portion sizes, and increased my intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

When did you feel the most hopeless?

Initially, I felt drowsy all the time due to a calorie restriction I wasn’t used to. But after giving my body a much-needed two-day break, I dove headfirst into my weight-loss plan.

Gaining knowledge through losing weight

I went from being 102 pounds to 58 pounds in just 18 months. I’m now a size small or medium and feel great. That’s great news because it means my son is content. My husband has adopted several of my healthy lifestyle choices out of imitation.

My body, mind, and spirit have all been transformed by yoga. I used to be completely oblivious to the effects of what I ate on my body, but now I give much more consideration to what I put into my mind and into my daily routine. In addition, through my yoga studio, I assist people in shedding extra pounds and improving their health.

Begin your journey now…with Yogpath

Yogpath offers a specific weight reduction programme to help you on your quest to a healthier body. With our certified yoga guru at your side, losing weight at home has never been easier. Now is the time to go on your weight reduction journey and become a part of the inspiring success story.

To buy Yogpath’s online yoga program tap on the link below: