Factors Affecting Weight & Health

There are several things that might influence your weight and ultimately cause you to be overweight or obese. You could find it challenging for weight loss or keep the weight off after you do, particularly if you struggle with any of these reasons.

The past of the family and their genes

Genes can have an effect on metabolism, body type, and how the body handles and stores fat. Genetics refers to the study of heredity. It’s common for overweight and obesity to run in families, which points to the possibility that genes are involved. If one or both of your parents are overweight or obese, then there is a larger likelihood that you will also be overweight or obese. Both the quantity of fat that is stored in your body and the locations on your body where that fat is carried may be determined by your genes.


There are several racial and ethnic minority groups that have a higher prevalence of obese individuals. African Americans in the United States have the greatest obesity rate among adult populations, followed by Hispanics and Latinos, and finally by Caucasians. Both men and women are affected by this. Despite the fact that Asian American men and women have the lowest rates of obesity, they can still be at risk of diseases associated with obesity if they carry a lot of unhealthy fat in their abdominal region—even if their body mass index (BMI) is lower. This is the case even if they have a lower body weight overall.


As we become older, our metabolism slows down, and we become less active, both of which make it easier for us to gain weight. A lot of us start to put on extra weight. Adults who are considered to have a normal body mass index often begin to put on weight when they are still young adults and continue to do so until they are between the ages of 60 and 65. In addition to this, research has shown that obese children have a higher risk of becoming obese adults.


It’s possible that a person’s sexual orientation plays a role in where their body accumulates fat. Hips and buttocks are the most common areas for women to gain weight in. The abdomen or belly is the typical location for fat accumulation in males. People who are of a normal weight but have excess fat, particularly if it is located around the belly, may be at an increased risk of developing health problems.

Behavioural patterns regarding food consumption and exercise

The kind, quantity, and regularity of one’s food consumption all play important parts in determining one’s weight as well as their general health. If you have unhealthy habits regarding both your diet and your level of physical activity, you may increase your risk of developing obesity and being overweight.


Getting an adequate amount of sleep is vital for general health, and it can also have an effect on weight by regulating hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, which are responsible for determining when a person feels full and when they are hungry.

People who don’t obtain the recommended amount of sleep may munch more frequently, resulting in an increased calorie intake. For those aged 18 to 64, the recommended amount of sleep is between 7 and 9 hours per day, while for people aged 65 and more, the recommended amount of sleep is between 7 and 8 hours per day.

Where you work, where you live, where you play, and where you pray

Your diet and exercise routines, as well as your availability to healthy foods and places to be active, may be influenced by the environment in which you reside, work, play, and/or worship.
For instance, if you live in a region with a high concentration of supermarkets, you may have easier access to items that are of higher nutritional value and have less calories. If the community you live in has a lot of green space and places where you can safely engage in physical exercise, then it is possible that you will be more active as a result of living there.

It’s possible that the environment in which you work and worship makes it more convenient for you to eat items that are high in calories and unhealthy. It’s possible that the vending machines, cafeterias, or special events at your place of employment or religious assembly may not provide any healthier or lower-calorie alternatives. Pick the selections that are better for you whenever it’s feasible, and when you do indulge, keep your slice of pie or cake to a minimum.

Traditions and customs of the family

Your health and weight may be affected by the eating and living patterns of your family. At family gatherings, some households may partake in the consumption of meals and beverages that are heavy in fat, salt, and added sugars, or they may consume significant quantities of unhealthy items. In lieu of engaging in physical activity, some households may choose to spend a significant amount of time watching television, working on computers, or using mobile devices.

Because of the similarities in food and lifestyle choices, the culture of your social, ethnic, or religious group may also have an impact on both your weight and your overall health. It’s possible that people in certain cultures consume meals and drinks that are rich in fat, salt, and/or the added sugar. Frying food is one of the most used cooking methods, although it can lead to a higher calorie consumption than other ways. Consuming meals that are heavy in calories, fat, and sugar on a consistent basis may cause one to gain weight over time.


Overeating, which may lead to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity as well as other health concerns, can be a direct result of chronic stress. Stress can cause an increased desire for foods that are heavy in calories, fat, or sugar, which can lead to overeating and ultimately weight gain. Changes in the gut microbiota, which can have an effect on both one’s weight and their general health, have been related to stress. Cortisol is a hormone that, when released into the body in response to stress, may both stimulate hunger and encourage the accumulation of fat, particularly in the abdominal region.

Hormonal imbalances:

Hormones of the thyroid: The disease known as hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid gland fails to generate an adequate number of hormones, is linked to a slowed metabolism and increased body fat.

Insulin: Insulin resistance or an overproduction of insulin can lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdomen region. Insulin also plays a role in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Estrogen : An imbalance in oestrogen levels can contribute to weight gain, especially in women going through menopause. Estrogen is a hormone that regulates body weight.

Cortisol: Levels of cortisol can become elevated due to chronic stress, which can cause weight gain, particularly in the abdomen region.

Testosterone: Men who have low levels of testosterone are more likely to put on weight and have less muscle mass than those who have higher amounts.
It is crucial to have a balanced hormonal system for general health and well-being, and to address any hormonal imbalances with a healthcare expert. The healthcare professional may propose making adjustments to one’s lifestyle, taking drugs, or engaging in other therapies.