When you struggle to achieve and maintain an erection that is strong enough to engage in sexual activity, you have erectile dysfunction (ED). You may have ED for a variety of causes, such as problems with hormones or blood flow. If you have a chronic medical condition like diabetes or heart disease, you run the risk of developing ED.

Cause for Erectile Dysfunction

Stress and anxiety may worsen the situation. Even while erectile dysfunction isn’t usually a cause for concern for your general health, you might want to attempt some lifestyle modifications to see if they work before turning to medicine.

In addition to being a physical issue, erectile dysfunction (ED) affects both your physical and mental well-being. Yoga is a safe and effective technique to treat your erectile dysfunction and enhance your overall sexual health since it helps you improve both your mental and physical health. Yoga is a drug-free method of calming the body and mind.

These yoga postures stimulate calmness and blood flow, which can help in the management of erectile dysfunction:


Uttanasana, also referred to as a standing forward bend, is a common yoga pose. This strenuous stretch could reduce your anxiety. Some claim that it even aids in infertility while also enhancing digestion and activating abdominal functions.

  • Place your hands on your hips and stand at the top of your mat. Bend your torso forward and hinge from your hips as you exhale. Aim to lengthen your torso forward rather than just folding over.
  • Touch your fingers on the ground in front of your feet. If you’re new to this pose, a slight bend in the knee is acceptable, but try your best to keep them straight. Cross your forearms and grip onto your elbows if you are unable to reach your feet with your hands.
  • Try to remain in this position while untethered for a minute or more. Try to elevate your torso and stretch your body a little bit further when you inhale. Relax deeper into the stretch as you exhale.


This position is also referred to as a seated forward bend is know for erectile dysfunction. It can improve blood flow and ease stiff pelvic muscles brought on by extended durations of sitting. Additionally, this stance helps you to relax and alleviate mild anxiety.

  • Sit down on your yoga mat and extend your legs in front of you to begin. For additional support, you might want to use a folded blanket. When you pull the right sit bone away, tilt your body slightly to the left. On the opposite side, repeat.
  • Keep your upper body extended as you inhale. As you approach the floor, lean forward and stretch your tailbone. As you fully extend your elbows, grab your feet with your hands if you can. You can also get help with this stretch by wrapping a yoga strap around your feet.
  • For a minute to three minutes, maintain this position. Try to slowly relax and release your body while concentrating on your breathing. You could eventually be able to extend your hands farther than your feet, but don’t try to do it before you’re ready.


The Low Plank Pose is another name for the asana known as Kumbhakasana. You can increase your endurance, power, and stamina successfully to perform sexual intercourse by practising this erectile dysfunction yoga asana. A person who frequently performs will surely notice a change in their upper body strength and stamina when engaging in physical activity.

  • Lie on the ground with your stomach close to the carpet.
  • After that, when lying down, keep your hands by your side.
  • Your toes must lift off the ground as a result of how your feet are bent.
  • Raise your buttocks into the air and push your hands with your body.
  • Ensure that your legs are still parallel to the ground.
  • Try to stay in the position as much as you can, and then gently return to your initial position.


Boat Pose, also known as Naukasna, is used to elicit the release of sex hormones in the body (testosterone for males and oestrogen for females) helps in erectile dysfunction. This pose might assist you in easily maintaining your strength if you feel that your body lacks the sexual energy needed to engage in intercourse. Your hip, thigh, and buttock muscles become strong and resilient thanks to naukasana. It also strengthens the pelvic muscles.

  • Lie down on the ground.
  • Keep your arm close to your body.
  • Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
  • Raise your chest in the air.
  • At the same time, simultaneously lift both of your feet off the ground.
  • Your hands must remain straight throughout.
  • Hold this posture for five or more minutes.
  • Slowly release your breath and return to your normal position.

Janu Sirsasana

Head-to-knee stance improves flexibility, particularly in the hamstrings, back, thighs, and hips. It is better to perform this posture on an empty stomach helps in erectile dysfunction. Additionally, it improves blood flow to the groin and lower abdomen. In addition to the health advantages, it can also be a fantastic stress reliever.

  • Stretch your legs out in front of you while you sit on your mat. Bring your heel toward your pelvis as you inhale while bending one of your knees. Lower your knee toward the floor while keeping your sole resting against your thigh. You can support your knee with a blanket if it is too high off the ground.
  • Take a breath in and lift both of your hands. With a long spine maintained, exhale and tilt forward over your extended leg. Try to get your chin to your knee and even wrap your hands around your foot.
  • Try holding this position for one to three minutes. As you inhale, stand up with your arms up overhead and sit back down. To restore balance to your body, repeat this stance on the opposite side.