Everyone is thinking about losing weight as more and more individuals become health conscious. But to prevent the body from losing too many nutrients, it is also crucial to adhere to a precise system of weight loss. And you should follow an Ayurvedic approach to lose weight consistently and healthily because it contributes to longevity, balance, and good health.

Ayurveda offers several easy yet effective remedies to support healthy weight loss. According to Ayurveda, having excessive kapha dosha might contribute to being overweight. Being overweight can further activate kapha in the body, thus it’s critical to balance this dosha.

Here are 10 Ayurvedic weight-loss tips:

Eat Kapha-Pacifying Diet

Kapha dosha excess is entirely responsible for our sluggishness, weight gain, and significant slowing of metabolism. Additionally, it leads to water retention, which is a primary factor in many disorders. A Kapha-pacifying diet helps to remove extra kapha from the system. It should ideally consist of warm and easily digestible home-cooked meals instead of frozen, stale, or cold food.

A Kapha-inclusive diet speeds up metabolism and aids in the removal of numerous toxins from the body. It’s also crucial to understand that using an ayurvedic approach to reduce weight does not require you to give up any of your favorite foods. To keep a balance, it’s important to consume everything in moderation.


Daily physical activity, breath control, and meditation are all part of a balanced lifestyle. Ayurveda states that exercise promotes lightness, productivity, and a healthy appetite. Ayurvedic practitioners claim that to boost metabolic activity in the body, one must engage in 45–60 minutes of daily exercise or yoga. It eliminates extra body fat, firms up the physique, and tones and defines the muscles. A balanced ayurveda diet combined with yoga or exercise is calming for the body, mind, and spirit. Additionally, regular exercise helps with other medical issues and uplifts mood, metabolism and sleep.

Hydrate Enough

Ayurveda offers a range of advice on how, when, and with what to hydrate. Drink one or two cups of warm water with lemon and honey first thing in the morning. Drink herbal teas made with tulsi, cinnamon, cardamom or ginger. Drink warm water 45 minutes before meals to activate Agni. Do not consume water with your meal and also, avoid drinking water right after a meal. Wait for around 30 minutes. Reduce your intake of aerated drinks, caffeinated tea, and coffee.

Instead, sip warm water or herbal tea. According to Vedic tradition, hot water is regarded as a medicine. Try to drink a few sips of warm water as you wake up.


The majority of individuals overeat in today’s fast society, where stress and depression prevail, and do not recognise its negative effects until they have gained a lot of weight. Therefore, it is crucial to practise gentle yoga, meditation, or other body and mind-calming practice for at least 10 minutes each day to maintain your happiness and peace. It also aids in the body’s natural weight-loss process by reducing stress. One of the most significant ayurvedic methods for weight loss is meditation, which also improves our state of alertness and attention, enabling us to make better decisions throughout the day.

Eat Properly

The Ayurvedic tradition holds that digestion, regeneration, and the idea of digestive fire are all intertwined. The digestive fire must be properly stoked to maintain a healthy metabolism. This can be achieved by giving the body consistent and dependable fuel. To achieve a crucial balance, eat wholesome and easily digestible meals every single day.

By doing this, you may make sure that the digestive fire is sufficiently inflamed and even help it get stronger. Food should always be ingested in sufficient amounts to allow for healthy digestion because it is thought of as a quick-burning fuel for the body. It will be simpler to concentrate on healthily reducing weight once you learn to completely stop unhealthy snacking.

Sleep Well

Recent studies have revealed that getting little sleep may be linked to gaining weight. Your weight and health are affected by poor sleep quality. The best timeframe, according to Ayurveda, is between 10 pm to 6 am. Avoid late evenings to make sure you’re getting adequate sleep. Additionally, it’s critical to refrain from midday sleep, which aggravates Kapha Dosha and promotes weight growth.

Eat three meals a day

The ayurvedic method always entails eating nutritious foods consistently. Never skip a meal and always have three balanced meals per day that include seasonal fruits and vegetables. Always have a hefty breakfast between 8 am and 9 am, a substantial lunch at midday that includes plenty of vegetables, grains, and meat, and a light dinner before 7 p.m. that consists of soups and salads for good digestion process as the digestive capacity is at its lowest at night. It is preferable to leave at least four hours between each meal.

Reduce Stress

It’s rather simple to concentrate on diet and exercise but it is unquestionably crucial to concentrate on lowering your stress levels. The WHO has labelled stress as a health epidemic and it can aggravate weight gain. Instead of feeling anxious and guilty about your weight, set a target for modest, sustained weight loss. Your mental focus and clarity help you make better dietary and lifestyle decisions. Additionally, it aids in preventing emotional eating.

Studies have demonstrated that attentive eating results in weight loss. Ayurveda and yoga together can result in significant weight loss. Yoga boosts metabolism and poses like Surya Namaskar, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Pavanamuktasana, and Dhanurasana aid in weight loss.

Ayurvedic Herbs

There are numerous herbal preparations and certain herbs that are known to affect weight, but only a qualified practitioner should suggest them. Trikatu, Triphala Guggulu, Varanadi Kashayam, Guluchyadi Kashyam, Hingavashtaka Churan, Vrikshamla, Haridra, Guduchi, Ginger, Chitraka, Guggulu, Musta, Ayaskriti, Aswagandharistam and Kumaryasavam are some of the examples. Refrain from using any herbs without first consulting an ayurvedic physician, as a poor selection could have a detrimental effect on your health. Your customized herbal prescription works best when combined with dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Walk after meals

We typically feel drowsy after eating. However, to speed up the digestion process and achieve healthy weight loss, it is crucial to take brief walks after each meal.