Regular practice of yoga helps you maintain your health and makes you more productive, peaceful, and joyful throughout the day. Not only will engaging in these activities at home make you happy, but they will also allow your family members to sense the wonderful energy and pleasure that is present in the house. In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to put these skills into practice directly in the convenience of your own home, at any time that you want.

Decide on a time that is most convenient for you to practice

It is widely agreed upon that the optimum time to practise is in the morning since doing so helps to maintain high levels of energy throughout the day. Nevertheless, you are free to practise whenever it best suits your schedule. Whenever you feel like it. The practise in the evening might help to clear one’s thoughts and relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day.

Decide where you will be most at ease.

For optimal results from your daily practise, create a space in your home that is both cosy and secluded. Your rituals will, in time, produce healing, empowering, and comforting good vibes in the space, which will be beneficial not just to you but to those who live there as well. Alternately, you might select a peaceful spot somewhere in your house that is large enough for you to spread out your yoga mat and where you are certain that you will not be interrupted for a while. This would be ideal.

All that is required of you is to make sure that your yoga room is tidy, has adequate ventilation, and is free of any sharp or protruding items.

Perform your drills when your stomach is almost empty.

Always try to perform different poses on an empty or very light stomach for the greatest results. Make sure that there is a gap of at least two to three hours between your meals and your workout.

Keep your attire understated.

Choose baggy, comfy attire since you don’t want constricting, figure-hugging garments to get in the way of your flexibility when you’re doing big stretches. Additionally, remove any excessive jewellery that you are wearing and steer clear of wearing a lot of makeup.

Before engaging in more strenuous yoga poses, make sure to warm up.

This is an absolute must, since failing to do so puts your muscles at danger of becoming strained. Before moving on to more strenuous yoga poses, you should begin by performing some light stretches and warming up your body with a few simple exercises.

Remember that this is your own body; treat it with care.

Begin with positions that are straightforward and uncomplicated. Take it easy and show your body some respect by moving gently; otherwise, you risk injuring yourself.

Be consistent

It is imperative that you maintain a consistent routine with your yoga practise. Including it in your regular routine can help you form the habit of doing it more frequently. Twenty minutes of yoga practised on a regular basis is more likely to show beneficial outcomes sooner than two hours of yoga practised on an infrequent basis, according to Krishan Verma, a senior instructor at Sri Sri Yoga.

Reframe your time spent doing yoga as “family fun time.”

When you practise on your own, you run the risk of getting bored after a time or being unmotivated to continue. You may try practising yoga with your family or friends, and you could use it as the perfect pretext for a get-together with your loved ones.

Incorporate a wide range of different yoga poses and practises.

Perform a number of different yoga positions and work on your breathing methods. If you are short on time, schedule a certain sequence of yoga poses to be performed each day, and save the rest of the poses for a Sunday to give your body the full treatment! In addition, make sure that you finish your yoga session with some Yoga Nidra.

Keep in mind that the term “yoga practice” refers to more than just the physical poses. In addition to meditation, Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Sudarshan Kriya (if you have completed the Happiness Program), the home sessions will also include these practices.