Yoga inversions are a variety of poses that “invert” your body from its upright position where your heart and hips are positioned above your head.

Although Headstand, Forearm Stand, and Shoulder Stand instantly spring to mind when thinking of yoga inversions, there are easier variations that may be more approachable for students early on in their inversion relationships, such as Downward Dog, Standing Forward Folds, Legs Up the Wall, and Happy Baby.

Yoga inversions can help you relax, boost your energy and circulation, and build stronger muscles. Additionally, it is believed to encourage emotional development, relax the mind and channel energy toward the heart.

You must choose an inversion pose based on your level of experience, strength, overall health, and history of injuries. For the best results and to avoid injury, it’s crucial to understand how to correctly perform each asana, even for healthy people.

Here are 5 credible reasons to practise yoga inversions:

Improve Circulation

Yoga inversion can improve lymphatic drainage and blood flow, which will aid in removing waste materials from the body and will help the brain receive more oxygen and blood, which will enhance mental capacities including focus, memory, and processing speed. Additionally, by these positions, you might be able to slow down your heartbeat and improve blood oxygenation.

Increase Flexibility and Endurance

Yoga is known for its ability to enhance strength, flexibility, and balance. Each posture specifically targets a particular set of muscles, enhancing the total flexibility, range of motion, and strength of the limbs.
Inversions tone the entire body. They develop more physical strength, endurance, and flexibility over time since holding the body in a stretched position requires significant mental awareness and strength.

Increase Energy Levels

Yoga inversion may boost energy and alertness. Heat-producing inversions like Handstand, Headstand, and Forearm Balance increase blood flow to the brain, resulting in both physical and mental renewal. Furthermore, being upside down demands concentration, which over time might enhance your capacity for concentration in general.

Builds Confidence

Yoga has been proven to boost overall confidence and enhance personality.
Many practitioners assert that practising inversion yoga has helped them develop modesty, compassion, and patience because it typically takes time and effort to do it correctly.
You may feel more confident in your capacity to conquer challenges in daily life. It promotes the idea of non-attachment and accepts flaws.

Reduce Pain and Boost Immunity

Inversion asanas promote improved lymphatic flow and blood circulation away from the limbs and into the heart. Encouraging lymphatic circulation and inversion asanas may help to alleviate pain and oedema in the lower limbs. This reduces swelling, soreness, and discomfort.
Inversion poses should be avoided by persons with high blood pressure or injuries to the neck, back, or lower limbs.

Despite its daunting appearance, yoga inversions have several health advantages, including increased circulation, flexibility, stamina, and personality.

Even though they are generally safe, certain audiences, such as pregnant women and those with systemic conditions or injuries, may find some yoga inversion postures challenging and risky.
It’s always advisable to consult your healthcare professional before beginning yoga inversion or before attempting a new or challenging pose.