Neck pain is extremely common and may have multiple causes. These include daily activities involving repetitive forward movement patterns, poor posture, or the habit of holding the head in a single position.
It doesn’t take much to develop pain in this region, and it’s not uncommon for that pain to spread to the shoulders and back. Neck discomfort can cause headaches and even injury.

Yoga is an excellent method for eliminating neck pain. At least one study found that nine-week yoga practise provided pain relief and functional improvements for participants. You can learn to release any tension you are holding in your body through the practise. Yoga may be effective even for chronic neck pain.

Yoga Poses for relief

Here are some yoga poses that may be beneficial for neck pain relief.

Pose of standing forward bend

  • Assume a standing position with the feet beneath the hips.
  • Lengthen your body as you fold your upper body forward while maintaining a slight knee bend.
  • Bring your hands to the floor, your legs, or a block.
  • Relax your head and neck by tucking your chin into your chest and resting your chin on your chest.
  • You can shake your head gently from side to side, front to back, or in circles. This alleviates tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Maintain this position for a minimum of one minute.
  • Lastly, raise your arms and head as you roll your spine to standing position.

Warriors II stance

Warrior II enables you to expand and strengthen your chest and shoulders in order to provide support for your neck.

  • From a standing position, bring your left foot back with your toes facing slightly to the left.
  • Bring forward your right foot.
  • The inside of the left foot should be aligned with the inside of the right foot.
  • Raise your arms until they are parallel to the ground, palms facing down.
  • Bend your right knee while taking care not to extend it beyond your ankle.
  • Press into both feet as you extend your spine upwards.
  • View beyond your right fingertips.
  • Hold this pose for thirty seconds.
  • Next, perform the opposite side.

Extended triangle position

Triangle pose helps to alleviate neck, shoulder, and upper back pain and tension.

  • Jump, step, or walk with your feet farther apart than your hips.
  • Angle your right foot forward and your left foot outward.
  • Raise your arms parallel to the ground with your palms facing downward.
  • Reach forward with the right arm while bending forward at the right hip.
  • From this vantage point, lower your right arm and raise your left arm to the ceiling.
  • You can look in any direction or perform gentle neck rotations while looking up and down.
  • Hold this pose for thirty seconds.
  • Then repeat on the opposite side.

Cat cow stance

By flexing and extending the neck, tension can be released.

  • Begin on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Allow your abdomen to fill with air and sink toward the floor as you inhale.
  • Look up at the ceiling while allowing your head to slightly drop back.
  • Keep your head in place or slightly lower your chin.
  • Turn your head to look over your right shoulder as you exhale.
  • Hold your gaze here for a moment before returning to the centre.
  • Exhale as you glance over your left shoulder.
  • Maintain this position prior to returning to the centre.
  • From this position, tuck your chin into your chest and round your back.
  • Maintain this position with your head hanging low.
  • Shake your head from left to right and front to back.
  • Continue the fluid motion of cat cow pose for at least one minute following these variations.

The thread the needle position

  • This pose reduces tension in the neck, shoulders, and back.
  • Begin on all fours with the wrists under the shoulders and the knees under the hips.
  • Raise your right hand and slide it along the floor to the left with the palm facing up.
  • While resting your body on your right shoulder and looking to the left, press your left hand into the floor for support.
  • Hold this position for thirty seconds.
  • Release slowly, return to Child’s Pose (see below) for a few breaths, and repeat on the opposite side.

Cow face pose

  • The cow face pose stretches and opens the chest and shoulders.
  • Take a seat in a comfortable position.
  • Raise the left elbow and bend the arm so that the hand reaches the back.
  • Use your right hand to pull your left elbow to the right, or reach up with your right hand to grasp your left hand.
  • Hold this pose for thirty seconds.
  • Then repeat on the opposite side.

Half lord of the fishes pose

The spine, shoulders, and hips are all stretched by this twist.

  • Bring your right foot along the floor to the outside of your left hip from a seated position.
  • Bend your left knee and cross it over your right leg so that your left foot is firmly planted on the floor outside of your right thigh.
  • Stretch your spine, and then rotate your upper body to the left.
  • Place your left hand behind your buttocks on the floor.
  • Position your right arm outside of your left leg.
  • Turn your head to look over either shoulder, or make gentle forward-and-backward neck movements.
  • Hold this pose for one minute.
  • Then repeat on the other side.

Sphinx pose

Sphinx pose stretches your shoulders and strengthens your spine.

  • Lay flat on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and your palms and forearms pressed together.
  • As you raise your upper torso and head, tighten your lower back, buttocks, and thighs for support.
  • Maintain a direct line of sight and ensure that you are elongating your spine.
  • Maintain this pose for two minutes.

Extended dog position

This pose is excellent for stress relief and stretching the back and shoulders.

  • Begin on all fours with the wrists directly below the shoulders and the knees directly below the hips.
  • Move your hands slightly forward and raise your heels to rise onto your toes.
  • Bring your buttocks toward your heels gradually, stopping halfway down.
  • Engage your arms and maintain elevated elbows.
  • Your forehead should rest on the floor or a blanket.
  • Relax your neck completely.
  • Maintain a slight curve in your lower back as you press into your palms, stretch your arms, and draw your hips down toward your heels.
  • Hold for 1 minute.

Child’s stance

Child’s pose can alleviate both headaches and neck pain.

  • From a kneeling position, sit back on your heels and adjust the angle of your knees until they are comfortable.
  • Lengthen your spine and walk your hands in front of you while bending forward at the hips.
  • Keep your arms extended in front of you to support your neck, or you can rest your head on your hands. This may alleviate headache tension. Bring your arms back to rest along the side of your body, if it’s comfortable.
  • Concentrate on releasing any tension or tightness you are holding in your body as you take deep breaths.
  • This pose should be held for several minutes.

Legs up the wall position

This restorative pose has extraordinary healing potential and can help alleviate tension in the back, shoulders, and neck.

  • From a seated position, slide your hips forward toward a wall. When you are close to the wall, recline and place your legs against it by swinging them up.
  • You can support your hips by placing a folded blanket or pillow underneath them.
  • Bring your arms into any position that is comfortable.
  • You may wish to massage your face, neck, and shoulders with light pressure.
  • Hold this pose for up to twenty minutes.

Corpse pose

Allow yourself time to relax in corpse pose at the end of your practise. Concentrate on releasing any remaining stress and tension from your body.

  • Lay on your back with your feet slightly wider than your hips and your toes splayed outward.
  • Arms should be positioned alongside the body with palms facing upward.
  • Align your head, neck, and spine by adjusting the position of your body.
  • Concentrate on deep breathing and releasing any tension in your body.
  • Hold this position for at least five minutes.

General tips

Since these poses are designed to treat a particular ailment, it is essential that you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Remember that your body is constantly changing. As needed, make adjustments to your practise and avoid poses that cause pain or discomfort.
  • Permit your breath to direct your movement so that you move slowly and fluidly.
  • Do not force or coerce yourself into a position; only go to your limit.
  • Try taking a few classes at a nearby studio if you are new to yoga. If this is not possible, you can take online guided classes.
  • Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga are advantageous for alleviating neck pain. It is not advisable to perform fast, powerful yoga unless you have experience.
  • Be gentle and easy with yourself. Enjoy the process and the practise, and meet yourself each day at whatever point you find yourself.
  • Focus on performing 10 to 20 minutes of yoga per day, even if it’s just a few restful positions.
  • Maintain proper posture throughout the day.