Yoga Poses to Help Correct Posture
You may already be aware that sustained poor posture can cause misaligned vertebrae, discomfort, and nerve degeneration. However, you may be shocked to hear that it can also cause poor digestion, poor circulation, exhaustion, difficulty breathing, reduced cardiovascular health, teeth grinding, and mood changes. All of the foregoing, in addition to the apparent signs of bad posture, can be caused by incorrect compression and constriction along the spine. Incorporating Yoga Poses like Cat-Cow and Cobra Pose into your routine can help alleviate these issues by promoting proper alignment and spinal health.
Weight-bearing exercises
Exercise is an efficient means of reversing this trend. Weight-bearing exercises and core-strengthening exercises are excellent starting points, but one of the numerous benefits of yoga is its ability to improve your posture when done regularly. Numerous yoga postures aid in general alignment correction by producing a heightened awareness of the spine, and numerous postures can even improve and even reverse poor posture over time.
We’ve chosen a few Yoga stretches for beginners and intermediates to help you get started on the path to a healthier, better-aligned spine today. In addition to the back and your general posture, a few of them can also assist the shoulders and neck. Before attempting these postures on your own, we recommend meeting with a trained yoga instructor to guarantee your safety and to receive guidance with modified variations.
Yoga Poses to Help Correct Posture
1. Bhujangasana/ Cobra Posture:- It stretches the spine, expands the chest and shoulders, and strengthens the diaphragm. Maintain the position for thirty seconds while breathing normally.
2. Tiryak Bhujangasana:- Stretches the spine and lower back muscles opens the chest and shoulders and strengthen the diaphragm. Repeat each side for 30 seconds while maintaining regular breathing.
3. Makarasana/Crocodile Pose: This position enables the spinal column to return to its original form and relieves nerve compression. Maintain variation 1 for about 30 seconds. In variant 2, you must alternately elevate your legs and kick your hips with your heels for 30 seconds while breathing normally.
4. Ustrasana/Camel Pose: Opens the chest and shoulders, hence expanding the lungs. Especially effective in correcting a rounded back, sagging shoulders, and anterior pelvic tilt. Caution: You may feel dizzy after performing this pose; if this occurs, rest immediately in Shashankasana and do not hurry into or out of the pose; instead, practice it gently with deep breathing.
5. Shashankasana/Hearing Pose: Used to quiet the mind and relax the body. It counteracts backward bending postures by stretching the spine and relieving disc strain.
6. Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose, relieves tension in the neck, back, and shoulders while expanding the hips. If you cannot reach your hands at the rear, you can use a strap and hold it as closely as possible with your hands at the back. Maintain the position for thirty seconds while breathing normally. Continue on the reverse side.
7. Kumbhakasana/ Dolphin Plank Posture:-This asana strengthens the arms, shoulders, abdominals, and most importantly the lower back. Try to maintain the position for approximately 30 seconds while breathing normally.
8. Marichyasana C:- This asana is particularly beneficial for those with rounded shoulders as it expands the chest and extends the spine. Additionally, the intercostal muscles are stretched to facilitate deep breathing. Hold the position for thirty seconds while breathing deeply. Continue on the reverse side.
9. Supta Padangustasana/ Reclining hand to big toe pose:- This is one of the finest positions for stretching the hamstrings and expanding the hip without straining the lower back. It causes spinal traction, extending the spine and alleviating pain. Begin by using a strap until you feel confident gripping your toe. Hold the position for around thirty seconds. Continue on the reverse side.
10 . Parivrtta Suata Padangustasana/ Revolved This position stretches the lower back and lengthens the hamstrings. If required, you can wrap a strap around the foot. Maintain the position for 30 seconds while breathing normally. Repeat for the same length of time on the opposite side.
11. Shava Udarakarshanasana/Universal spinal twist: This asana realigns the hips and relieves spinal stress. Perform for 30 seconds per side.