Does yoga help you lose weight?

Yoga helps you become a more complete person by fostering growth in body, mind, and spirit. Particularly vigorous practises may facilitate slimming down. The increased awareness you gain from practising yoga may prove useful in your quest to trim down. It, say many experts, can help you achieve a healthy weight in a number of ways. Let’s check out several of these options.

Meditation and yoga

Mindfulness training is central to the mental and spiritual practises of yoga. Having a heightened awareness of so many different things is the result of this. It can help you become more aware of the impact that food has on your mood, physical health, and overall quality of life.

Mindfulness practitioners who regularly practise yoga may be better able to control their cravings for junk food and emotional eating, according to a study published in 2016. They may also learn to listen to their bodies and recognise fullness. People who haven’t had much luck losing weight in other ways may find that yoga helps them finally break through.

Researchers in 2017 found that mindfulness training had positive but transient effects on both impulsive or binge eating and physical activity. While we did not find any causal relationship between mindfulness training and weight loss, we do know that increased mindfulness over time is associated with reduced body fat. More study is needed to delve deeper into this topic.

Practitioners are more likely to eat healthily before class because they’ve heard they shouldn’t do the practise on a full stomach. You may find that after a session, you have a greater desire for natural, whole foods. It’s possible that learning to savour each bite and eat more slowly will help you consume fewer calories overall.

Increased restful sleep and practise.

It has been shown to improve sleep quality. Consistent yoga practise has been connected to better sleep and an easier time winding down. Between 6 and 9 hours of sleep per night is recommended.

Sleeping well is commonly linked to slimming down. A 2018 study found that compared to those who did not alter their sleep schedules, those who did so lost significantly less body fat. The fact that both groups had reduced their caloric intake suggests that sleep loss counteracts the benefits of dieting.

Yoga nidra is a form of guided meditation that has been shown to improve sleep quality and promote greater levels of awareness. During nidra, you can use the time to set weight loss intentions.

Small research conducted in 2018 found that 8 weeks of yoga nidra practise led to significant increases in mindfulness among healthcare professionals. Part of this awareness was practising nonjudgment toward one’s own subjective feelings and thoughts.

At the follow-up, there was no statistically significant difference in how sleepy they were. Nonetheless, this metric raised as a function of increased practise time. More extensive research on a larger scale is required to further explore these implications.

A Calorie Burning Practice

Even though yoga isn’t typically thought of as a cardiovascular workout, there are some practises that are more physically demanding than others. More calories are burned when you practise an active. Possible aid in avoiding weight gain. Yoga styles like Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Power Yoga are more active than others. Many hot yoga studios focus on Vinyasa and power yoga as their primary styles. These styles encourage constant movement, which aids in calorie burning.

Strengthening your muscles and speeding up your metabolism are two more potential benefits of yoga.

Although restorative yoga isn’t as physically demanding as other forms of yoga, it still has the potential to aid in weight loss. Results from a study showed that restorative It led to significant weight loss, particularly in the abdominal area, for overweight women.

These findings hold great promise for overweight individuals who may struggle with more strenuous yoga practises.

Yoga’s potential benefits for helping with behaviour modification, weight loss, and maintenance include increased caloric expenditure, enhanced mindfulness, and reduced stress. You may find that cutting down on food and becoming more cognizant of the risks associated with overeating are both facilitated by the aforementioned considerations.

Deeper research is required to elaborate on these results.

For optimal weight loss, how often should you practice yoga?

  • If you want to lose weight, you should do yoga as often as possible. Three to five times per week, commit at least an hour to a more vigorous, intensive practise.
  • The other days you should do a less strenuous class to counteract the intensity of your regular practise. You can choose from a variety of beneficial yoga classes, including hatha, yin, and restorative.
  • If you’re just getting started, it’s best to ease into things with a 20-minute practise session. That way, you can strengthen and stretch out your body and avoid harm. Get a full day of rest once a week.
  • In addition to the cardiovascular benefits of yoga alone, you can increase those benefits by combining yoga with another cardiovascular activity such as walking, cycling, or swimming.
  • Avoid getting on the scale right after a yoga session, especially if it was a hot yoga session, because you may have lost water weight. Instead, try to weigh in at the same time daily.

Home yoga practise poses

In the event that you don’t have time for a full yoga session, here are some poses you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Surya Namaskar

Perform at least 10 rounds of Sun Salutations. Holding certain positions for longer or increasing the pace will both increase the intensity.

  • Take a deep breath in as you stand and raise your arms above your head.
  • Release your breath as you bend forward like a swan.
  • You can either jump, step, or walk your feet back into Plank.
  • Try to stay here for five deep breaths.
  • Bring your knees to the floor and squat down.
  • Position your hands under your shoulders and your legs outstretched, with the tops of your feet turned to the mat.
  • To come up into Cobra pose, either take a deep breath in and slowly lift your hips, or take a deep breath out and come up all the way.
  • Inhale as you come up into Downward Facing Dog and exhale as you come back down.
  • For at least five breaths, maintain this position.
  • To perform a Forward Bend, release your breath as you jump, step, or walk your feet to the top of the mat.
  • Taking a deep breath in, bring your arms above your head.
  • As you let your breath out, bring your arms back down to rest beside your body.


Because of the emphasis on the core, this pose is excellent for relieving tension throughout the body.

  • Put your feet flat on the floor in front of you and sit down.
  • Raise your feet off the ground and bend your knees until your thighs form a right angle with the floor and your shins are perpendicular to it.
  • Raise your arms out in front of you until they are perpendicular to the ground.
  • Raise your hips and keep your torso erect if you can, and stand with your legs completely straight.
  • Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
  • At a minimum, repeat five times.

Plank position

You should do plank pose for ten to twenty minutes.

  • From a tabletop position, you should lift your heels and step backward.
  • Form a straight line with your body. It could be a good idea to take a look at yourself in a mirror.
  • Use your abs, your arms, and your legs.
  • Keep stopping here for the next minute.

An important lesson

Dedication to your yoga practise and lifestyle are essential for successful weight loss with yoga. If you want to improve your chances of success, make changes gradually and set goals that you can actually achieve.

You may find that you have an increased preference for healthy foods and lifestyle habits as your practise and awareness progress. It’s not a given that you’ll shed pounds, but the chances are high, and the benefits could extend well beyond that.