• REFLECT on all of your particular eating behaviors, both harmful and healthy, as well as the frequent things that set off your poor eating patterns.
  • TRANSFORM your harmful eating habits into ones that are better for your body.

STRENGTHEN the new, healthier eating habits you’ve adopted.

To begin, jot down everything you normally consume, including food and liquids. For the next several days, write down everything you eat and drink in a journal. Make a note of everything you consume, especially beverages high in sugar and alcoholic beverages. Put in writing the time of day that you consumed the food or drink in question. This will assist you in recognising your patterns of behavior. For instance, you could find that if you hit a fall in energy levels in the middle of the day, the only thing that can get you through it is a sugary snack.

You can keep track of everything in this journal. It is important to make a mental note of how you were feeling when you made the decision to eat, particularly if you ate even though you were not hungry. Were you in need of a nap? Feeling the strain?

Eating Habits that cause in weight gain.

Draw attention to the behaviors on your list that may be contributing to your excessive eating. The following are examples of common eating behaviors that might contribute to weight gain:

  • Consuming food too quickly
  • Always making sure to clean your plate.
  • Consuming food despite a lack of hunger
  • Consuming food in an upright position (may lead to eating mindlessly or too quickly)
  • Consuming sweets all the time.
  • Skipping meals (or maybe just breakfast)

Take a look at the harmful eating habits that you have brought to our attention. You should make sure that you have recognised all of the factors that lead to you engaging in such habits specially eating habits . Determine which ones you feel need the most work and get started there. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you neglect to acknowledge the positive things you’ve accomplished. Perhaps you have a habit of eating fruit for dessert, or perhaps you consume milk that is low in fat or fat-free. These are excellent patterns to adopt! It will be easier for you to be motivated to make more improvements if you acknowledge and celebrate your victories.

The following are common habit causes of eating when one is not hungry:

  • When you open the cabinet, you are greeted with the sight of some of your favourite snack foods.
  • Being sedentary and watching television at home.
  • Either before or after an emotionally trying circumstance or encounter at work.
  • Arriving home from work without having made any plans for the evening’s meal.
  • Having someone serve you a food that they prepared “especially for you!” is an amazing experience.
  • When I was walking past the counter, there was a candy dish there.
  • Currently located in the break area, right next to the vending machine.
  • Observing a platter of doughnuts being passed around during the morning meeting for the workforce.
  • Going through the drive-through of your go-to restaurant first thing in the morning.
  • If you’re feeling bored or sleepy and think eating can perk you up, you might be hungry.

Put these questions to yourself with regard to each “trigger” that you’ve circled:

Is there anything I can do to get out of the circumstance or escape the cue, and if so, what is it? This method is most useful for cues that do not entail the participation of other people. For instance, if you wanted to avoid stopping at a fast-food restaurant on the way to work, you may select an alternative route to get there.

Is there somewhere else in the break room that you may sit other than right next to the machine that dispenses snacks and drinks?

Is there anything I can do differently that would make a healthier alternative to the items I can’t avoid? It is obvious that you will not be able to avoid all of the events that cause your bad eating habits, such as the staff meetings that take place at work.

Consider what choices you have available to you in these circumstances. Would you be able to recommend or bring some beverages or snacks that are healthier?

Would you be willing to take notes for me as a way to divert my attention?

Could you perhaps move your seat further away from the food so that it is more difficult for you to reach for something to eat?

Would you be able to prepare in advance and consume a nutritious snack before we meet?


Substitute new, healthier behaviours for old, harmful ones. When you think about your eating routine, for instance, you could notice that when you’re by yourself at a restaurant, you go through your food far too quickly. As a result, you should resolve to eat lunch once a week with a coworker or invite a neighbour over for supper once a week. One last tip is to set your fork down between bites of food. Reduce the number of things that might divert your attention while you eat, such as watching the news. These types of distractions prevent you from paying attention to the rate at which you are eating as well as the quantity of food that you consume.

Chew your food more slowly. When you eat too rapidly, you run the risk of “cleaning your plate” rather than paying attention to whether or not your appetite has been satisfied.

Eat just when you are genuinely hungry, not when you are stressed, weary, or experiencing any other emotion but hunger. If you notice that you are eating when you are feeling something other than hunger, such as boredom or worry, you should make an effort to locate an activity that does not include food to do instead. It’s possible that going for a little stroll or talking to a buddy on the phone would make you feel better.

Pre-planned Meals: To guarantee that you get a nutritious and well-balanced meal, it is best to plan your meals in advance.


Be gentle with yourself and make sure to reinforce the new, healthy habits you’ve started. It takes some time to form new habits. It doesn’t happen overnight. When you become aware that you are participating in a practise that is detrimental to your health, you should immediately break the habit and ask yourself, “Why do I do this?” When did I first begin acting like this? What modifications do I need to make to this? Be cautious not to criticise oneself unduly or to believe that a single error may “ruin” an otherwise healthy days’ worth of behaviour. You can do it! It’s as simple as taking things one day at a time!