Must have daily Sukshma Vyayam

Sukshma Vyayam are light exercises that can be done in between pranayams or on their own to boost energy levels and vitality and aid in the maintenance of a healthy body. Sukshma Vyayam is a type of yogic stretching and breathing exercise that promotes a state of deep relaxation. This sets the stage for the active practice of pranayama, asanas, and other physical postures.

Flexibility Guaranteed! (Suksham Vyayam)

Stiff muscles are more prone to tears or strains when they are stretched suddenly, as may occur during exercise or sports. Muscle tension is a common cause of referred pain. Pain in the knees, shins, and feet may be the result of tight calves. Muscle tension anywhere in the low back has the potential to cause radiating pain that travels up and down the spine.

Muscular inequities can develop from a lack of pliability. For instance, if you have a tight hamstring, your knees may hurt because your thighs have to work harder to maintain proper posture. And beyond that, when you’re feeling stiff, you naturally slow down, move more carefully, and act more tentatively; this is the first sign that a young man is beginning to feel like an old one.

Sukshma Vyayam

Dandasan is the foundational pose from which all other seated Aasans flow. Keep your legs straight and together. Both sides of the waist should have the palms of the hands firmly planted on the ground. There should be a rearward pointing of the fingers. Keep a straight back and a steady hand.

To stretch and rotate the feet, do Sukshma Vyayam-1.

  • Straighten your legs out in front of you while you sit on the floor.
  • Put your hands slightly behind your body on the floor.
  • Hold out your hands and take it easy. Reverse the direction your feet usually point and try stretching in both directions.
  • Perform the steps 4-5 times.
  • Kick out your foot in a circle in both the clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Repeat this procedure four or five times.


It increases mobility in the toe joints and leg muscles. It’s useful for getting rid of the additional baggage on one’s lower body.

Sukshma Vyayam 2 (Butterfly Breath)

This form of mild exercise is quite prevalent and has several health benefits.

  • Fold your legs under you so that your feet contact you when you sit.
  • Bring your knees up and back, then let them go like butterfly wings.
  • Just do it for two or three minutes.


The butterfly exercise has positive effects on the hip and knee joints, as well as the lower back. Slimming down the midsection and the hips are facilitated by this.

Sukshma Vyayam-3 (Turning the Fists)

In three easy steps, the Sukshma Vyayam can help you relax and rejuvenate. Get cozy and put your hands in front of you.

  • Make a fist and touch your thumb to the inside of the other.
  • Turn anticlockwise after going through a full rotation in the other direction. A total of ten repetitions is possible.


Positive effects on the finger, palm, and wrist joints. Eliminates the need to carry around heavy objects.

Sukshma Vyayam 4 (Shoulder Rotation)

  • Feel free to relax and put your fingertips on your shoulders.
  • As you take a deep breath in, make a huge circle with your hands by going around your shoulders in both clockwise and anticlockwise motions. It’s doable 5–10 times.


The elbow, shoulder, collarbone, and neck joints all benefit from this. Lightens the load on the back and neck. You may keep going and going without ever tiring, and it takes only seconds to feel revitalised. Eases discomfort in the neck and shoulders.

Sukshma Vyayam 5 (Hand Retraction Behind the Head)

  • Put both hands together and behind your head.
  • Alternately, pull one hand towards the opposite side of the body with the other. Start and stop the timer, and do this for 1-2 minutes.


Advantageous for the articulations in the hands, neck, and shoulders.

Sukshma Vyayam 6 (Pushing the hands and the head against each other)

Put the fingers of both hands together. Bring them behind your head so that the fronts of your palms are in contact with the back of your head.

  • Meet each other’s hands and heads in a shoving match. Begin with a light touch and gradually increase the pressure.
  • You should repeat this process three to five times. There will be some slight shaking.
  • Put the left hand on the left side of the head and push now. If gentle pressure doesn’t work, try increasing it. Repeat that process three to five times.
  • The right hand should now be used to push on the right side of the head. Start with a light touch and gradually increase the pressure. Repeat this three to five times.


This is a huge plus for the vertebral joints in your neck and upper back.

Sukshma Vyayam 7 (Shoulder Rotation)

  • Straighten your spine in Sukhasana.
  • Hold hands at knees at all times. Shake your shoulders anticlockwise and in the other direction.
    Do this routine five to ten times.


Sit up straight in sukhasan with your hands on your knees. Make a clockwise and anticlockwise shoulder rotation. This may be repeated anywhere from 5-10 times!

Reap the Rewards of Sukshma Vyayam

Every part of your body, from your scalp to your toes, gets some TLC in Sukshma Yoga, and you’ll feel refreshed and renewed in no time. This style of Yoga brings about profound changes in the outside and inside aspects of the body. These are scientifically-designed routines that do more than just build strength and flexibility; they also aid in detoxification, boost cognitive function, and strengthen the will. A long and healthy life is guaranteed by regular practice of this form of Yoga.

Sukshma Yoga can be done on its own or incorporated into an existing Yoga routine. These exercises are safe and beneficial for people of all ages, and they only take 20–30 minutes a day to perform. There are simple routines for the eyes, the mouth and jaws, the neck, the hands, the feet, the knees, the ankles, and the hips.