Diets and plans claimed by different dieticians, yoga instructors, influencers lack scientific evidence, and the results lack. Our human body is made of chemicals and water. We must understand the scientific approach of weight loss or gain. Weight loss may differ from person to person. No two-body react exactly on for an exact same diet plans. So, it is very essential to understand the need and type of your body and customize your weight loss diet accordingly. Practicing same amount of exercise, having exact same food and calories and still one of them is getting the results and other isn’t.

Weight loss is not a difficult process, we just need to understand how our body is reacting to the certain plans. And if things are not going right than we must change our plans.

Including science in our weight loss plans will provide better results. Though everybody reacts different to a certain diet and exercises, but some things are very essential for every kind of body. A well-researched scientific approach of weight loss will improve your health.

Trying intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that includes regular short term fasting’s. Intermittent fasting includes a very short-term fasting, it may be of few hours to a day. When you are having a fast and you start feeling Hungary than your body start utilizing the fat as a form of energy to survive and thus the fat will convert into energy. Some of the most common types of intermittent fasting’s are:

Alternate day fasting: ADF is alternate day fasting. It includes fasting on every alternate day and eating your regular meal on the other days.

5:2 diet: the 5 ratio 2 diet indicates eating for 5 days a week and fasting for two days. On the fasting days eat 500-600 calories and rest of the energy you will get from the fat.

16/8 method: 16/8 method consist of fating for 16 hours a day and eating in the window of 8 hours. An 8 hour of window will be opened, and you have to eat in that window and rest of the 16 hours you must avoid eating or drinking. The 16/8 hours method is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. Beginners can proceed their weight loss program with this as it is easy and effective and once you get usual to this you can shift to the 5:2 diet and if possible, can go with alternate day fasting.

Though intermittent fasting is very safe to practice but it is always advised to consult your doctors if you are having any kind of medical issues because in some of the medical conditions it become very important to eat on time.

Tracking your diets and yoga

Tracking your diet and yoga is very essential. You must be very specific about your diet and exercise. A balanced eating habbits with lowest calories and enough yoga can results in weight loss and will last longer. A healthy lifestyle is very essential. To track your diets and yoga you can download various tracking apps.

Eating mindfully

Mindfull eating include people focusing on their food and what, when, and how they are eating. This will help them in enjoying their food and improves the eating habbits. When you focus on what you are eating you will start eating healthy and good food and this will become your habbit sooner. Some of the techniques you can follow for eating mindfully:

  • Eating on a dining table: sit down on the dining table and eat. This will avoid distraction and your sitting position will help in better digestion of the food. pay attention to the food and enjoy your meal.
  • Avoid distractions: avoid watching TV, using mobile phones, and talking to each other.
  • Eating slowly: Eating slowly will help in eating lesser. So, it is advised to eat slowly and chewing properly for fast digestion and eating lesser.
  • Eating proper nutrients: Choose food that has all the nutrients. Eating colorful food that has all the nutrients value will help in losing weight faster.

Eating protein for breakfast

Eat protein in breakfast. It will regulate the appetite hormones and you feel full for longer period and hence end up consuming lesser calories per day. Protein breakfast like chia pudding, eggs, nuts, quinoa, oats, and seed butters.

Cutting down the sugar

Cutting down on sugar and refined carbohydrate will help in losing weight faster. Refined carbohydrates are Heavily processed food that no longer contain any nutritional value such as bread, rice, and pasta. These foods are quick to digest and convert into glucose fastly. Instead of this add brown rice, brown bread, nuts, fruits, seeds, herbs tea, smoothies instead of juices.

Eating more fiber

Eating fiber will give you a feeling of fullness and help in reducing weight. Fiber rich food contain whole grain breakfast cereals, whole wheat pasta, oats, barley, rye, fruits and vegetables, peas, beans, and pulses, nuts, and seeds.

Balancing gut bacteria

Gut bacteria help in digesting the food and converting it into energy faster. So it is advised to increase the amount of good gut bacteria for faster weight loss. Some of the food that helps in increasing the good gut bacteria:

  • Plants: Increase the no of vegetables, plants, and fruits. People should try to add 75% of vegetables, plants, fruits, and grains in their diet to lose weight faster.
  • Fermented food: fermented food like curd., yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, and miso are fermented food. this food includes more bacteria. Research shows that kimchi has anti-obesity effects.
  • Prebiotic food: these stimulates the formation of good gut bacteria that helps in faster food digestion. Prebiotic fiber occurs in many foods, vegetables including onion, garlics, banana, avocado, asparagus, leeks, and artichoke.


To lose weight it is very essential to get a proper good night sleep. Studies shows that less that 5-6 hours of studies lead to obesity.

Managing your stress

Stress trigger releases hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline which decreases the appetite at initial level but if it stays for longer, it increases the appetite and people often start overeating. So, treating stress must be your priority if you want to lose those extra kilos. To relieve stress you can practice yoga, meditation, pranayama that includes breathing exercises, walking, and going out.
We have discussed some of the scientific approaches of weight loss. There is no quick fix to weight loss. You have to be very patient and constant with your plans.