Yes, you may continue to practise yoga even if you feel as though you cannot breathe.

A cough, a stuffy nose, or an itchy throat might throw you into a tailspin these days. Is there a cold? Here yoga poses to recover from the virus. Not only do you feel lousy physically, but you may also be dealing with the stress of attempting to determine the cause of your depression. When feeling ill, thank heavens for yoga!

Yoga poses for cold

Depending on your symptoms, you may conclude that you shouldn’t practise yoga when unwell. However, yoga can offer healing effects that can help you feel better sooner, including helping you relax and rest, which are essential for recovery. According to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, mindfulness meditation and moderate exercise prevent respiratory diseases. The advantages were not only physical. According to the survey, participants had “psychological advantages including stress and depression reduction, increases in overall health, and attentive attention.”

A yoga practise for those who are ill.

This series consists of supported, restorative positions that require minimal effort. Once you have the proper props, you can just relax and let the stance do the work. These positions will assist in opening and stretching the intercostal muscles, which support the lungs and facilitate breathing. The mild inversions will help to circulate your blood and lymph fluids to aid in your body’s natural healing.

Sustained Bridge Posture

Come onto your back with the block at your side. Bring your feet close to your hips by bending your knees, then position your feet hip-distance apart with your toes pointed forward. Lift your hips off the ground and press your feet into the mat. Place the block beneath your tailbone and adjust it in length or width to support your hips. Try several heights to see which is most comfortable.

If your spine is flexible, the maximum height may work for you. If you are feeling stiff or weak, though, you should stick to one of the lower levels. Once the block is securely placed beneath you, elevate your chest slightly and walk your shoulders underneath you. This positioning ensures that you are not resting on your neck, but rather on your shoulders. You have the option of interlacing your hands or resting your arms at your sides.

Maintain your focus on the ceiling and avoid the temptation to shift your head. Take at least 10 deep breaths in this position, and when you’re ready, push down equally with both feet and raise your hips off the block. Slide the block out from under you and drop your hips to the floor as you do so. Before proceeding, let your knees fall in near one another, rest your hands on your stomach, and take several deep breaths.

Shoulder Stand Support

Repetition of the initial instructions for supported Bridge Yoga Pose. Once you are firmly supported on the block, move up onto your shoulders by laterally twisting your shoulders underneath you without pushing them away from your ears. Place your left foot centrally on the mat (toward your midline) and raise your right leg perpendicular to the floor, straight up in the air. If you have tight hamstrings, a minor bend in your top leg is OK. Ensure that you are perfectly balanced on the block, and then carefully raise your left leg to meet the right. Ensure that the weight of the position is not being supported by the neck by lifting and expanding the chest. Take at least five to ten calm, deep breaths here. Then slowly drop each leg back to Supported Bridge Pose, one at a time. Here, remove the block from under you and lie on your back for a moment.

Reclining Spinal Curvature

Remaining on your back, bring your knees to your chest and rock slightly to the side. Then, allow both knees to fall to the left and attempt to stack them. Placing the left hand on the right knee and extending the right arm to shoulder height with the palm towards the ceiling. Maintain a neutral neck position and either look at the ceiling or close your eyes. This twist will assist you in stretching the intercostal muscles that run between and around the lunges. Work on taking deeper breaths while you are here. After a few breaths, slowly raise your knees to the opposite side and swap sides.

Butterfly-Supported Reclining Pose

For this supported position, gather bricks, a bolster, or a couple of cushions. The objective is to position supports such that your chest remains raised and open. You wish to alleviate any tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Place a stack of cushions (or a bolster) down the length of your spine behind you on your yoga mat. Support the upper side of the bolster with a block so that your head is higher than your hips. If using pillows, arrange them so that your head is elevated over your hips.

Back your hips up to the bottom edge of the cushion or bolster and lie on your back with your head in the uppermost position. Bend your knees, bring your heels near to your hips, and open your knees to the sides of your mat softly. Support your knees with cushions, blocks, or wrapped blankets if your knees do not reach the mat or if you have excessive inner thigh tension. Permit your arms to rest at your sides, palms facing upward.

Close your eyes and take a few minutes of rest here. Perceive your breath entering your upper chest and heart region. Try to slow and deepen your breathing. If your nose is clogged, breathe through your lips. To exit the posture, softly raise your knees in toward each other and roll onto your right side, removing your cushion or bolster entirely. Take a few breaths here before rising to a sitting position.

Downward-facing Dog

Remove all of your yoga props off your mat and go on your hands and knees. Place your hands shoulder-distance apart and one full handprint forward. If you are aware that your shoulders are tense, take your hands slightly wider than shoulder distance and turn them slightly outward toward the mat’s boundaries. Lift your hips up and back while tucking your toes underneath.

Take a minute to peddle your legs by bending one knee and extending the heel of the opposing foot toward the ground. Repeat back and forth until your calf muscles feel a bit more pliable. If your hamstrings are tight, maintain a little bend in both knees. As you begin to feel more flexible, you can begin to extend your legs and reach your heels toward the ground. Don’t worry if your heels don’t touch the floor or even come near. Verify that your feet are hip-width apart and that the inside borders of your feet are parallel to one another by looking back at your feet. Remain in this position for five to ten breaths, and then return to your hands and knees.

Assisted Bound Angle with a Lateral Stretch

Position yourself in a sitting position on your mat. Draw the soles of your feet together and separate your knees so that your legs form a diamond shape. Place a block under your feet and arch your back so that your forehead rests on the block. You may alter the height of your block based on your flexibility. Rest for a few breaths, then gently elevate your head, move your torso to the left, and try to walk your hands in that direction. Extend your left fingertips and inhale deeply into your left rib cage. Lift your hands and move them to the right, then repeat on the left. Return to the middle and sit up.


Align the mat’s shorter side against a wall. On the right side of your mat, sit sideways with your left hip contacting the wall. Now, slowly roll over onto your back and raise your legs against the wall. Get as near the wall as you possibly can. Place your hands in a goal-post posture on your stomach or at your sides. If you desire a deeper inversion, bend your knees, lay your feet flat against the wall, elevate your hips, and slide a block under your sacrum. Ensure that your chest is elevated similarly to how it felt in Supported Bridge and Supported Shoulder stand.

Bring your focus back to your breath and hold the posture for at least ten breaths. If it is comfortable, you may remain for up to five minutes. To exit, flex the knees, raise the hips, and remove the block. Roll onto your right side and take a few deep breaths here.